INTERVIEW: Every goal is special

Jabo Ibehre on his 17 goals this season

In the first of a three-part interview with striker Jabo Ibehre we sat down with him to talk about the career best 17 goal-haul he bagged last season.

"There was a bit of a contrast between the first and second halves of the season for me," he told us. "The first half of the season was great because I was scoring and really enjoying my football. We were enjoying it as a team as well and everything we'd worked hard on during pre-season was coming to fruition.

"It seemed harder to bury chances during the season half of the season. The chances were still coming so I think I was just a bit unlucky, even though my confidence did dip at times. That happens to strikers but the best ones come back and keep getting in those positions. Eventually you get your goals again."

Speaking more about how he got through that period when the goals were harder to come by, he said: "I think the only way to get through it is to dust yourself off when you don't score and keep believing that you can.

"If you shy away from those positions you're never going to score. At least if you're there it might just hit you and go in. When that happens it can give you confidence and it makes you feel like you're back.

"You've got to put yourself out there to be shot as because the more you get into those positions the more likely you are to get your goals."

On finishing as the club's top scorer, he insisted: "I've definitely scored 17. There isn't even a shadow of doubt about my second one at Notts County on the last day of the season.

"As it came into the box Jason [Kennedy] ran in, but it hit me and went in. My celebration was all about certifying the fact that it was definitely my goal! He knew, he was pointing at me as if to say it was mine, so that confirmed it for me."

"I'm chuffed to pieces to get 17," he continued. "I'm still playing football to try and improve and learn about myself. I'm trying to fulfil what I've got in my head because I still think I can get better and there's more to come.

"As you get older and play more games you begin to know what you need to do to be playing well. You seem to get more crafty with your art and hopefully I can keep learning. I'm still enjoying my football, I love the game and I'll keep working hard at it. Hopefully I can go and get more goals next season."

When asked to pick his favourite goal from an enjoyable season, he said: "Every goal is special. I love scoring because it's a great moment and a great feeling.

"The hat-trick was special, I have to admit that. It's one of those things as a striker you love to do. I scored a few as a kid but the one against Cambridge was my first in my professional career. Scoring the third one was a great feeling. I just thought 'yes, I've finally done it!'

"The Hartlepool game is another which stands out. It was the first derby for me and I think it was our first league win of the season as well. We didn't know we were beat, we were 2-1 down but we kept going and we won it at the end, which was really nice."

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Read Time: 4 mins