The Club operates and carries out its activities through the following commercial entity:

Carlisle United Football Club 1921 Ltd
Brunton Park
Warwick Road

Registered Company Number - 175280 in England Registered Office.
VAT Registration Number - 886 5467 62

The Club is a member of the English Football League (EFL) and is subject to the EFL’s rules and regulations. As required by those regulations, the Club can confirm the following person(s) have a ‘significant interest’ (as that term is defined within the EFL regulations) in the Club:

C.U.F.C. Holdings Limited owns 93.2% of Carlisle United Association Football Club (1921) Limited.

At 21 November 2023 90% of C.U.F.C. Holdings Limited is owned by Castle Sports Group and 10% is owned by CUOSC. 

100% of Castle Sports Group is owned by Palm Sports Group LLC. The ultimate beneficial owners of Carlisle United are Tom Piatak and Patty Piatak.