INTERVIEW: It's been very high intensity

Striker Shaun Miller on looking forward to getting out on the pitch

Striker Shaun Miller was highlighted by manager Keith Curle as being a new arrival who brings something different to the squad, so we caught up with him on Thursday morning to get his thoughts on what he adds to the group.

“I'd agree with that,” he said. “I think I'm flexible and I can play anywhere across the front line. Jabo and Charlie are both big, powerful players and I'm clearly not that. That’s why I have to bring something different. 

“I can play a few different positions, which I have throughout my career, particularly as a lone striker which worked well for me last season. 

“I scored a decent amount of goals so I obviously want to carry that on. Hopefully I can improve on that and I'd love to start banging the goals in as soon as possible. I'm definitely looking to continue that form going into next season.”

“Pre-season has been good so far,” he commented. “It's been tough, which is what you'd expect, but it's just a case of getting through the days and focusing on the start of the season. 

“It's different to what I've been used to before. We were thrown straight in at the deep end on the first day whereas at other clubs the first day is usually just about testing. It's been very high intensity, which is good, because we want to be as fit as we can be.

“We had the footballs out early on as well, which makes it better. The thought of two or three weeks of running with no balls can send you over the edge. It's good to do game-based stuff which has also been high intensity.”

On having former Morecambe team-mate Jamie Devitt alongside him, he said: “It is good to have someone you know with you. I know a few of the other lads as well from previous clubs, and things like that, but all of the lads get on with each other. It's a good bunch of lads so it's been extremely easy to fit in.

“We’ve all come back raring to go and I think you've got to prepare yourself properly for pre-season more than ever. You've got to keep yourself ticking over throughout the summer because you're never sure what to expect when you get back. Judging by the training we've done so far, all of the lads have done that.”

As with the all the players, the challenge ahead is clear as a top seven finish is targeted following last year’s much improved campaign.

“It was clear from the first chat I had with the manager that he wants to be in the top seven,” he said. “I think the word promotion came up every couple of sentences so I think everyone is aware of that. The manager, staff and all the players are all looking to achieve it. 

“I think that's a good challenge. The team just missed out towards the end of last season so we're certainly looking to improve on that. It's a great motivation when you know everyone wants to be in and around the top places.”

This week, of course, brings three friendly fixtures in eight days and he admitted that he’s looking forward to being out on the pitch.

“It's always nice when the friendly games start,” he said. “They show how fit you really are. I'm looking forward to playing with the lads and getting ready for the start of the season. 

“I haven't set myself a goal target. I didn't last season either and I think it's nice to just see how you go. My main aim is to improve on what I did with Morecambe and, if I can do that, I'll be very pleased.”

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