MANAGER: There's a story to be had this season

Keith Curle on aims and important relationships

Manager Keith Curle explained this week how the pre-season training package was formulated and how it will evolve as we got through what is a busy month.

“There’s been constant communication through the summer with my staff because what I like to do is share ideas,” he said. “I’m always asking for opinions and I absorb the information which comes back. We have good staff here who have good ideas and between us we are able to come together to find the best way forward. 

“My phone was constantly ringing because we all want what is best for the club. We want to make sure we’re doing things properly because we want a successful season.

“If we finish below tenth I think I would deem that as a failure. It would mean that we haven’t achieved what we needed to achieve. There’s a story to be had this season but who knows exactly what will be in that story? That’s the really exciting part about it because there’ll be twists, turns and some fantastic games of football along the way. 

“Will we go into the season as favourites? No. Will there be a threat of relegation? No. A minimum expectation is for us to be in the top half of the table. I want to get promoted and every player we’ve brought in this summer has been told that I need to get promoted.”

Added to the new arrivals on the pitch has been a new working relationship to develop with Chief Executive Nigel Clibbens.

“I’ve been impressed with him since he came in and he understands the game,” he said. “He understands the pressure that comes with it and he has knowledge of what I need from him, which is important. 

“We’re in a development process of getting to know our roles, responsibilities and expectations and we’re setting out boundaries and guidelines which will help us to be a more professional football club.

“He’s going to be the ‘go to’ person which is good. In some respects my relationship with John Nixon and the Chairman hasn’t changed, and they will still be my direct line managers who I report to. I think it’s important for me to still have that relationship with them, but it’s also important that myself and Nigel will get on and work closely together.”

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