MANAGER: We have to have aspirations to improve

Keith Curle on the building process for next season

Manager Keith Curle confirmed this weekend that work has already started on recruitment as he looks to build on what has been an enjoyable season.

“I’m meeting a player on Monday afternoon because I’ve had confirmation he’s going to be released at the end of the season,” he said. “I’m trying to line up another meeting for Tuesday afternoon with a player’s agent.

“The building process for next season is already in place because sometimes you need to shop early to avoid disappointment.”

“The decisions on where we want to take the current squad are made,” he confirmed. “No matter what happens with that, there will be people who are going to disagree with my decision making.

“People might say some of the decisions are harsh, but I have to repeat that I don’t owe anyone in that changing room anything. The decisions are being made based on what I feel will be for the betterment of the football club.

“That’s the only thing I ever do. I don’t make decisions based on personalities; they are purely based on business. I’m constantly asking myself how I can improve this football club on the playing side because we’re a second division outfit and we want more than that.

“We have to have aspirations to improve in all departments throughout this club. Sometimes harsh decisions need to be made and they are bound to be different to what a minority or even a majority of outsiders might think should happen. I get paid to make decisions I think will improve us so that’s what I will continue to do.”

Speaking about when the players will be informed of his decisions, he said: “The format will be exactly the same. We’ll have the last game of the season on the Saturday and then the awards function on the Sunday.

“I’ll have a meeting with the players on the Monday where I will tell them what my thoughts are. I think that best suits the needs for everybody because the players will be able to show their appreciation to the supporters, the sponsors and the club over the course of that last weekend of the season. They can then see me on the Monday morning with no distractions and we can all continue with our careers from there.”

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