MATCH DAY: Former player appearances scheduled

Blues heroes set to meet supporters and sponsors on match day

Our guests in Foxy’s Restaurant and Legends Bar received a nice surprise ahead of the game on Saturday when club legend John Halpin joined them for a question and answer session as part of their match day experience.

John – or Halpy as he’s better known round these parts – spent 15 minutes in each of the venues talking about his playing career and answering questions on his current role with the club as our Community Sports Trust manager.

Halpy said: “I was delighted and quite proud when I was asked to do this. You always wonder whether or not people will be interested in what you have to say but it seemed to go down really well.

“I was able to tell people about the time I had a piping hot beefburger shoved in my face during an FA Cup game at Telford and I spent a good bit of time talking about the best player I’ve ever played with, and one of my heroes, Danny McGrain. Few were surprised when I mentioned the best player I’ve played against was John Barnes.

“It was nice to be able to look back at a few fond memories and to perhaps bring something a little bit different to the day for our sponsors and corporate guests.”

Sales and Marketing Director Phil King said: “I’ve spoken with a few former players, some recent some not so recent, about making this kind of match day event a more regular thing - and of course we had Chris Lumsdon come and meet guests in the Sunset Suite a few weeks back.

“Recent appearances by Chris and John have been very enjoyable and we will be looking to bring other former players into the fold as we go through the rest of the season.”

Matchday hospitality is available from only £40, or only £20 if you already have a match ticket. To book, or for more information, contact Commercial on 01228 554 155 or e-mail 
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