CHARITY: Assistant Community Manager completes Cumbrian Run

Assistant Community Manager completes Cumbrian Run

Carlisle United Assistant Community Manager James Tose raised over £600 for charity after completing the local half-marathon The Great Cumbrian Run. 

The two charities that James raised money for were Eden Valley Hospice and BEAT (Beating Eating Disorders). 

He said: “First of all I’d like to thank all my family, friends, work colleagues and the Carlisle United First Team for their sponsorship and support throughout this challenge.

"In terms of preparation I trained for ten weeks leading up to race day. This involved hill runs, track work and long runs up to the required 13.1 mile distance. Trying to stay motivated was essential and knowing I was running for two fantastic charities really spurred me on, especially on days when I was feeling tired.

"The reason I chose Even Valley Hospice as a charity was that they do so much unseen work throughout the local community. I think if you walked along the street and asked anyone in the local area about Eden Valley Hospice at some point they have helped either a family member, friend, or someone they know.

"I have recently lost my Auntie and have friends who have lost family members, so it was important for me to contribute in a small way." 

"I chose BEAT due to a close friend suffering from an eating disorder," he told us. "They told me about how BEAT helped them and their family with much needed support, so I felt that if I could help them then hopefully something positive could come from that. 

"The two charities were good enough to supply me with a race vest so I had to do a bit of DIY. I cut the vests in half and sewed the front of the BEAT vest to the back of the Eden Valley Hospice vest, so everyone could see both charities I was running for.  

"On race day I’d had a few rest days before hand so I was feeling fresh and ready to go. 

"The route took us through Carlisle City Centre, up to Cumwhinton, Wetheral, Scotby then back past Brunton Park, into Rickerby Park and on to the finish at The Sheepmount Stadium.

"All along the route it was great to see so many people out on the roads supporting all the runners, which gave us all a real boost. 

"I managed to complete the distance in a time of 1hr 29mins, finishing in 80th position. My family and friends were waiting at the finish line so it was great to share the moment with them.”
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