TREATMENT: Update from the physio

An update from the treatment room

The latest from the treatment room as pre-season motors on.

Danny Cadamarteri is now off his crutches and doing some very light rehab work. He had a scan at the surgeon’s request this week and he will go back to see him for the results next week. The surgeon wants to assess how well the knee is healing inside and the best way to do that is to get it scanned. We’ll be able to decide what we do with his rehab as soon as he’s had those results.

Chris Chantler appears to be healing well after the set-backs we had with him over the last couple of months. He’s been seeing a specialist wound nurse in Manchester for the last few weeks and he’ll be back to see his surgeon in two weeks time. We need the wound to heal completely before we progress him further and we have kept him clear of the club because of the risk of cross-infection. The best thing he can do at the moment is keep off it completely because exercise could actually slow the healing process down. The important thing for him at this moment in time is to get things right before we start to push him on again.

James Berrett tweaked his groin muscle during the Penrith game when he went to make a turn and his foot got stuck in the grass. Things have improved for him a lot and we had him out on the pitches to do some jogging work at the back end of last week. Hopefully he’ll be back in training at the end of this week.

Liam Noble rolled his ankle early in the Workington game last Tuesday, which was very frustrating for him. There was nobody near him at the time so it was just one of those things. He had it scanned on Friday and that showed a small ligament tear but, thankfully, it is nothing too serious or sinister. We need to get the bruising and swelling out and we’ll reassess him over Sunday and Monday this weekend. Once the swelling has gone we’ll be able to get him moving again and he can push on from there.

Josh Todd went over on his ankle in training on Thursday afternoon. Again, there was nobody around him when it happened and, similar to James and Liam, it’s the kind of thing which can happen on hard surfaces with slightly longer grass at this stage of the year. He’s another who needs the swelling to go down before we can do too much more. We’ll reassess him on Monday and decide whether or not he needs a scan. It doesn’t look too bad at the moment but we’ll wait to see how it looks after the weekend before we make any more decisions.
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