INTERVIEW: Fierce Fun Day session

Tough Sunday training planned

United manager Greg Abbott today confirmed that the Fun Day open training session, scheduled to start just after 11am tomorrow morning, will give the fans the chance to see the lads go through their paces in what he described as a 'serious session' ahead of another busy week of preparation.

"This will be a serious session for us," he said. "We've had a good week of games and training and it's important for us to keep that momentum going. 

"This will give the fans who come down on Sunday the chance to see what we do as we build on the work we've already done."

"This will be a fierce training session for over an hour and then there'll be an opportunity for the lads to meet everyone and to sign autographs," he added.

"It's a great opportunity for people to see us in a way they wouldn't normally get a chance to and the day as a whole promises to be a really enjoyable one.

"We encourage everyone to come along and see us."
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