INTERVIEW: We're doing interviews almost daily

Chief Executive Nigel Clibbens recently spoke on staff recruitment at United.

Speaking on Thursday, Nigel said: “I think Paul's approach is that he wants to deal with them all in one go. So even if we've made progress in certain areas, he wants to make an announcement that this is the settled backroom team. So when that's ready to be done, it'll come all together.

“You've got Billy that had a short-term contract, then you've got a replacement for Dave who's a goalkeeping coach, and then a replacement for Chris Brunskill as the lead physio. So rather than say we've got this one person, the intention is to try and do it all together. And obviously as we get closer to the season, that news will come out. But we're quite comfortable where we are with it, and it'll be announced soon I expect. I think everything should be in place well before pre-season.”

On new admin staff, he went on to say: “The interest is good. I think people from farther afield than our local borders are seeing that it's an exciting place to be involved with.

“Everybody will know that certainly in the back office, because our resources have been limited in the past, we've had to really adapt and work with what we've got for a number of years and it has been a struggle, there's no doubt about it. 

“The staff have worked tremendously hard as the club's grown, even in recent times before the takeover, servicing more fans, getting more commercial business, more retail, all these things have basically been done with the same workforce.

"As we grow more and more, that becomes untenable. So we need to build some infrastructure behind and build a stronger off-the-field team to support the activities of the wider club; and that's happening now. So we're doing interviews almost daily for new people.

“We're moving close to starting something on the commercial side for a leader for that team. We have got two other positions in terms of facilities manager to manage the whole site, which is going to be even more important now. We've got the stand being developed and the other aspects. So there's lots of opportunities here. It's an exciting place to be.”

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