CLUB: United recognised by EFL for is work to make club more inclusive

The EFL has awarded the club a Bronze Standard accreditation for its work in the area of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

It’s mandatory and an EFL regulatory requirement for all clubs to reach. 

Chief executive Nigel Clibbens said: “In October, we had our first EFL assessment. It came after 18 months of initiatives and hard work by the club and volunteers. We had to present over 200 pieces of evidence across in six areas.

  • Accountability and Commitment
  • Reporting and Tackling Discrimination
  • Data Capture and Insight
  • Policy and Legal Compliance
  • Awareness Raising and Communications
  • Education and Training

"Over that time, I am sure fans are recognising the initiatives that have taken place and that it is improving the club.

"We are delighted to have achieved the Bronze Standard. 

"We have had to start from scratch so it’s been a big challenge. It has been achieved with minimal resources provided from the inside the club and no funding, with staff adding it to existing roles and a huge amount of purely voluntary work, especially by EDI Officer Nigel Davidson, so it’s a remarkable achievement. He deserves huge personal credit along with all the others who have helped along the way.

"The assessment now continues on a two year cycle – so it’s an ongoing process.

"We have an active Equality Action Plan in place which we are implementing [info HERE] and we are continuing to make progress.

"Our work in the area of inclusion will go on and there is much more to do in the coming season and thereafter.  

"The results of our recent survey of supporters in October has helped our understanding of the diversity within our fan base. The bi-annual EFL fan survey in November 2023 will help too.

“With the recent addition of a Women and Girls Rep, new Disabled Reps and other developments, we are growing relationships with fans and across the community."

EDI Officer Nigel Davidson added: “It's been an honour to have been involved with the EDI work at the club leading to the award of the Bronze Award in the EFL's Code of Practice.

"We have come a long way in a short time and I'm absolutely over the moon that we have been awarded the Bronze Award. To have achieved this with such scant resources is amazing.

"I'm now looking forward to starting the deeper and wider work that is required for us to achieve the Silver Award in 2026. This will take a lot of time, hard work and commitment, but the rewards for the club are huge.

"Carlisle United can be an exemplar for this work in the area and I'll do everything in my power to make this happen. The award aside, the most important thing is that we are creating strong and lasting relationships with the community in Carlisle and across the area and enabling access to the club from every community. Welcoming all who want to watch football at Carlisle United and play a part in the club in a variety of ways."

If any fan wants to get involved in any aspect of our inclusion work please get in touch with Nigel Davidson by emailing

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