CLUB: East Stand and Warwick Road End development

The club can confirm on Friday 19 January, we submitted plans to Cumberland Council Planning and Building Council for improvements to Brunton Park.

The plans cover both the Andrew Jenkins Stand sponsored by Pioneer Foodservice and the Armstrong Watson Warwick Road End.

The ideas were first outlined at the December 2023 Fans’ Forum - watch the forum HERE.  

At the Fans’ Forum, the Piatak Family committed to making the plans public on the website and to giving fans the opportunity to comment and feedback. 

Click HERE to see the plans for the new boardroom. 

Click HERE to see the plans for new executive boxes. 

Click HERE for the ground and first floor East Stand plans. 

Click HERE for the second and third floor East Stand plans. 

Click HERE for the Warwick Road End plan. 

We welcome fan feedback and ideas on all of the above. 

Please send any comments to 

Chief Executive Nigel Clibbens said: "Under the new ownership, we are ambitious to develop and improve Brunton Park – for everyone.

"That is for the players, fans, commercial supporters and visiting guests on a match-day or community users on a non-matchday, as well as staff working here.

"It is for the long term future benefit of the club and community and shows the commitment to Brunton Park in building something to be proud of.

"We need to improve the viability and sustainability of the club - by growing income and making the best use we can of the stadium – every day. That needs investment and improvement. It will be a long journey, but it’s started already as fans can see in other areas on the West side.

"Our current hospitality is at capacity already and sold out for the rest of the season. Other aspects, like the Warwick, are in desperate need of upgrading, whilst the East stand has huge, unfulfilled potential. 

"We welcome any feedback. This will be a fantastic leap forward for the club. The vision and ambition and finance all there. Its early days in the process, but demonstrates how the club is already progressing.”

More detail on the plans: 

Warwick Road

  • Brings brand new, upgraded modernised facilities for fans; toilets and food and drink facilities and Fans Zone and turnstile entrance
  • Increases and improves facilities for disabled fans. With new undercover spaces within Warwick – this is much needed and the fruition of plans developed in consultation with disabled fans and supporter groups over the last three years (which were previously on hold due to finance) 
  • Opens up the potential for future improvements to the rear of the Warwick stand

East stand

  • Unlocks the huge potential of the stand which has been unfulfilled for too long
  • Brings much needed extra capacity for high quality, match day hospitality and dining, and hosting non-matchday events outside the matchday
  • Creates four new lounges and eight large viewing boxes all built to a first class standard
  • Provides additional analysis and space for football and Academy operations, opening up new opportunities in the West stand (as existing activities move into the East Stand)
  • Creates longer term space for a museum (linked to the memorabilia project), once the football and Academy move to a new training facility
  • The Family Zone is planned continue in the current area (labelled as reception on the drawing)
  • Opens up opportunities to improve the food options in Hopper’s and Ross’s Bar

We want to make Brunton Park “the place to be on a matchday” that means making it a great experience with the facilities fans deserve.

This is the start of the process. The project is in its early stages, but is a very significant project, which we are and want to keep moving quickly. Timing will be clearer as the planning and approval process progresses. We will of course update fans as we go.

Please send feedback to

We would like to thank Don Reay and Unwin Jones Partnership of Carlisle for their support on developing these projects.

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