WARNING: Use of pyro is illegal

Every football fan should feel safe attending matches when watching Carlisle United.

The illegal use of pyrotechnics at Brunton Park and the throwing of objects puts the safety of everyone at risk. They have no place in our game.

Pyrotechnics are dangerous to fans, players, officials and everyone in the ground. If you are caught using pyrotechnics you could be banned from the club and arrested.

You could then face criminal charges.

If you see anyone with or about to use any type of pyrotechnic, please report it to the nearest steward or staff member as soon as possible.

Let’s protect each other, Carlisle United and the game. 

Please report any inappropriate behaviour to the nearest steward or by phone to our SLO team on 07891 779 015 or by email to: kickitout@carlisleunited.co.uk or slo@carlisleunited.co.uk or edi@carlisleunited.co.uk or enquiries@carlisleunited.co.uk.



Any fan found to be vaping inside the stadium will be asked to hand over the vape to be disposed of or, if not complied with, they face ejection from the stadium.

Any supporter aged under 18 who is found in possession of a vape, either during searching on entry to the stadium or subsequently inside the stadium, will have the vape confiscated and disposed of.

If you fail to comply with our regulations on vaping you will be asked to leave the stadium.

  • If you are under 18 - leave your vapes at home. Do not bring them to Brunton Park, or try to bring them into the stadium.  
  • If you vape, do not do so inside Brunton Park. 
  • If you see an incident, report it by phone or text to [07891 779 015] or tell a steward there and then. Don’t wait. Note the number of the steward you have informed.
  • Be prepared to be searched on entry. Make sure you are prepared to enter the stadium earlier. It will take longer to get in.


SLO Team

SLO team meeters and greeters will be around the stadium to help with any queries. Please stop them and speak to them if you have any issues, or to give feedback. They are there to help you to get the most out of your day.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all.

You can contact the Supporter Liaison Officer on 07891 779 015 or by email at slo@carlisleunited.co.uk. 


Club Charter

If you need any more information about match day at Brunton Park, see our Club Charter HERE

And you can read our Ground Regulations HERE.

Read Time: 2 mins