ACADEMY: Goal of the month winner

Carlisle United's Academy goal of the month for January - [with the trophy sponsored by Carlisle United Supporters' Club London Branch] - was scored by Oliver Penney in the U15’s game against Newcastle.

Youth Development Phase Coach John Foley said: "Oliver's goal against Newcastle was a fantastic controlled finish worthy of this award. 

"Oliver has performed well as part of the U15 group who have reached the semi-final of the Floodlit Cup and has already earned an early scholarship." 

London Branch Chair Dave Brown added: "This was a special goal scored by Oliver in a team that are playing remarkably well.

"We are delighted to continue our sponsorship of the academy goal of the month. Well done to all of the players who had a goal nominated." 

You can watch the shortlisted goals and the winner in the video below: 

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