MANAGER: We move onto the next round

Manager Paul Simpson was at the Tuesday evening Cumberland Cup game at Gillford Park to cast an eye over his charges as they found themselves involved in a very tough encounter.

“I echo what Gav said, I can’t fault the attitude shown by the lads to it,” he said. “I accept we have to be better in terms of the football, but they kept trying to do things properly.

“I also accept that we’re expected to win those games, but they’re not as straightforward as everybody thinks they’re going to be.

“You’re playing against a group of players who are determined to try and prove a point and who are probably more physical than you get used to playing at our level.

“The only thing that matters is that we got through the game and hopefully we aren’t too damaged by some of the challenges. We’re through and we move onto the next round.

“I enjoy winning games and being involved in competitions, out of respect for the County FA we do it and we have to be involved in it.

“I don’t like some of the things that go on in some of these games if I’m being honest, but we got ourselves through and we’re into the next round.”

And it brought a first goal for the club for Fulham loanee Terry Ablade.

“Strikers want to score goals, so it was a big thing for Terry to get that on Tuesday, albeit a tap-in,” he commented. “There’s nothing lucky about it, you have to be in the right place, and if a goalkeeper wants to spill it then you’ve got to be there for it.

“It was good for Terry and good for them all to get the workout in what were really difficult surroundings and weather.”

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