INTERVIEW: It feels like a second home

Defender Fin Back couldn’t keep the smile off his face when we caught up with on Monday morning – the first day of his second season-long loan with the Blues – as he talked about the challenge ahead with the club stepping up into League One.

“I’m very excited to be here,” he told us. “It’s been something that’s been in the pipeline for a while so I’m glad that I’m here and it’s all sorted now.

“I did always want to come back here, even before the end of last season. I felt like I had a lot more to give after a difficult season with injuries last year. I’m feeling really good now and I just want to get back out on the pitch and show everyone what I can do.”

“I do feel like there’s a bit of unfinished business as well,” he added. “I was getting into a really good place when I first got injured and I felt ready to kick on for the rest of the season.

“I was getting some good minutes before all of that so I’m just looking to do the same again this season.

“Everything just worked when I was here last season which is why when it ended it was quite difficult to deal with.

“It was good to be involved at the end of last season and it was really special to be involved in the day at Wembley. When I saw how much it meant to the fans and everyone involved in the club, there was only one place I wanted to come out on loan to.”

He was spotted by many of the club’s supporters in the United seats at play-off final, with selfies, autographs and smiles very much the order of his day.

“It was a really special day,” commented. “I was really proud of everyone involved in the club. When you’re training and living up here you see the work that goes on behind the scenes, as well as how much it means to everyone to wear this badge.

“I’m not from the area but just seeing how important it was, how much it meant to so many people – players, staff, fans – it was really special.

“It kind of opened my eyes to seeing the bigger picture and seeing how special this football club is to so many people. It was something I wanted to be a part of and it told me I wasn’t finished.

“That’s why there was no decision to be made for me, I always wanted to come back here, and it was just a matter of time really.

“It was something I was very excited by if it could happen. Last year was a bit frustrating so the manager has shown great confidence in me to bring me back, which I’m very grateful for.

“I felt like we have quite a good relationship, he knows my attributes and I really enjoyed playing under him. Coming back was something we discussed but in football nothing’s ever straightforward, so there were a couple of things that needed sorting out.

“There was my fitness, and there were definitely options, but this was my main focus. If I could have been here four weeks ago, I would have. It’s something I wanted to get done for a while, especially after last season and what I experienced here, how I got looked after here.

“It felt like a second home. There was no other option for me, but there were other options, if that makes sense.”

Coming back to Brunton Park gives him the chance to kick on from where he left off, with the managers of both clubs giving him the same message.

“They’ve told me just to continue my development,” he confirmed. “I got into a really good place and it got interrupted, which was frustrating, so I’m just looking to do the same thing.

“I want to contribute as much as I can on and off the pitch and just see where it goes. As soon as I spoke to the manager last year I knew it would work up here, so it was no surprise that it did.

“It was a shame I didn’t get to show my full potential throughout the whole season and that’s what I’m looking to do this year.”

It was a particularly nasty injury which saw him go under the surgeon’s knife towards the end of February when it was diagnosed that a repair was needed on his hamstring.

“Injuries happen in football and elite sport unfortunately, so it’s something you have to deal with,” he said. “Luckily I hadn’t had any previous injuries, so it was a new experience.

“I got to learn more about my body and how to deal with the negative side of football. I feel like I’m better for it and starting this season in a much better place than last year. I know I can play in this team at this level with this manager, so I’m just looking forward to the challenge.

“Maybe I had a couple of dark days while I was out, but you can’t feel too sorry for yourself, because it happens. You’ve just got to crack on and get yourself into the best place possible so it doesn’t happen again.

“The support I got from my family was important and I’ve obviously got a good role model in my dad who has experienced professional sport. My whole family and my girlfriend have helped me a lot. I’m just ready to go now.

“I’ve worked hard, done what was needed, and I’ve been back on the grass with Forest, which is what it’s all about. As a footballer you want to play games and Forest have been really good with me to get me into the place I am now.

“I have full confidence in myself and my body that I’m ready for whatever this season might bring. I haven’t done anything differently to get myself back, to be honest.

“I pride myself on being the ultimate professional and doing everything right on and off the pitch. Nothing has or did change. Injuries happen in sport, it’s just how you react to them.

“You can’t feel sorry for yourself, you have to get yourself back in the best condition possible and give yourself the best chance for it to be out firmly in the past.”

So is he ready to kick on and test himself at this new level?

“I can’t wait,” he insisted. “It’s less than two weeks until the first game of the season now, which is amazing. I’m looking forward to getting back out training and playing some friendlies before the season starts.

“It’s League One, and I went into my Championship and League Two appearances with a bit of the unknown, to be honest. The Championship was a great experience even though I didn’t get as many games as I would have liked to.

“It was a great eye-opener, and to get the opportunity to come and play for this club in League Two was a brilliant opportunity. I felt comfortable in the role that I was given. League One is another new challenge for me and for everyone, but I’m sure we’ll all be ready.

“It will be another step up from last year, there are some really big clubs in this league, including ourselves by the way, everyone’s just excited. What we did last year was amazing. I’m fully confident we’ll be successful this season.

“I think just the spirit of the group was the main factor and we haven’t lost that. The togetherness, resilience and humility we showed last year, I feel it already. Everyone’s excited and bring on Fleetwood next Saturday. I’m looking forward to getting the shirt back on.”

A big part of making this such an easy transition has been the relationship he built up with the fans, with a fantastic reaction to the announcement that he had returned on Monday morning.

“It’s amazing,” he agreed. “The support I’ve felt from the people in Cumbria has been amazing and I’ve been grateful for all of it. It’s a big factor in why I wanted to come back.

“It felt like a second home. I was a bit apprehensive because it’s quite far from where I live, but within the first couple of days I felt really comfortable.

“Any footballer plays their best when they feel comfortable in their surroundings. The transition was easy and it felt like home, and easy to get on with the football side.

“I’ve been in contact with a few of the lads over the summer, everyone’s very excited for the start of the season in League One. It’s a new challenge for us and I’ve been keeping an eye on it.

“They were in Scotland last week which I had hoped to be part of, unfortunately that didn’t happen, but I’ve seen some of the lads this morning and I made some real good friends last year. It’s very easy and I was very excited, I’m really happy to be back. 

“I just want to get as many games as I can and stay fit. That’s probably my main priority because I think it’s important I play a full season.

“I just want to be successful at this club, whatever that is this season. We’ve got a great group with a lot of very similar faces to last year and I’ve got every confidence that we’ll do well.”

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