CLUB: EFL review of Boxing Day incident

Carlisle United Football Club can confirm that we are currently under review by the EFL for an incident of alleged racist chanting at the Bradford City home game on Boxing Day.

Chief executive Nigel Clibbens said: “During the home game on Boxing Day a report was made to the club and police by a home supporter of racist chants from the Warwick Road End.

“We immediately deployed response stewards to the area identified, along with covert police spotters. 

“The extra visibility of the stewards resulted in an end to the chanting from that point on. After the game we received complaints from both home and away fans about the same incident.

“I reiterate, on behalf of the club, that I am sorry that this incident took place. We abhor this behaviour and maintain a zero-tolerance approach.

“On the day, neither the police or the stewards saw or could identify those who were chanting, so no action could be taken at that point.

“We take these matters very seriously and have been working with the police as we do all we can to find those responsible and, if identified, strong sanctions will be issued.

“For the tiny minority who behave in an offensive, anti-social or unacceptable manner the message is clear, you will be dealt with through a combination of police action and club bans.

“Anyone with any information about this incident please contact the club confidentially at”

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