MANAGER: There are no complaints

Anyone taking a casual look at United’s fixture list for the coming weeks could be forgiven for thinking that the distances involved for the away trips are, to say the least, daunting.

But United boss Paul Simpson insists that isn’t the case within the corridors of Brunton Park.

“Well, at the start of the season when you're Carlisle United you know you've got some long trips, so we're not surprised at it,” he told us.

“We knew this is what was coming when the fixtures came out in June and we're ready for it. There are no complaints.

“We've got a lovely coach we travel on, we stay in nice hotels. The players get looked after properly and we've just got to make sure the preparation leading up to that is right and that we get the travel right.

“We can't do anything about the traffic, it'll be what it will be. London hasn't got any closer and we will deal with it. It's fine. It's not a problem at all when you're at Carlisle United. It's part and parcel of being here.

“It certainly won’t be used as an excuse. Wherever you play, nothing is given to you in this game. You have to go and earn results, it’s as simple as that.

“We’ve just got to earn the right again to get three points in the games coming up and whatever happens we just give it everything we've got and see where it takes us.”  

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