COMMUNITY: An enjoyable morning at Cummersdale Primary

United boss Paul Simpson was guest of honour at Cummersdale Primary School on Tuesday morning, ahead of the Barrow game, where he met the Reception pupils for a Q&A before getting a guided tour of school, where he once again found himself as a the star attraction.

Hosted by Mrs Scott, he faced a volley of questions covering everything from how hard it was to become a footballer to how he finds out how far his players have ran during a game.

“It was fascinating to hear from Mrs Scott that the children do the same, to help them to understand the difference between the high intensity and steady running that they do outside,” Simmo said.

“I have to say, the children had really thought about their questions and it was a pleasure to meet them all.

“There were maybe a few too many Manchester United fans in the room when we had that show of hands, but Mrs Scott pulled it out of the bag when she said she supported City.

“Hopefully they all know a little bit more about Carlisle United now as well.”

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The manager then explained why players wear different kits for training and games, and he shared some wise words of wisdom - work hard and listen to your coaches - when he was asked how to become a top player.

But he saved the best to last, with a story about his playing days that perhaps showed that it’s not all trophies and medals.

“I was at Derby County, and I used to take the free kicks,” he explained. “I bent down to place the ball and I felt a snap, and heard a pinging noise, and I couldn’t work out what it was.

“As I moved back to get ready to take the free kick I realised that the elastic in my shorts had snapped, and there was nothing keeping them up.

“They were falling down, so I had to grab them or else I was going to be stood there in just my pants. That meant as I was kicking the ball I had a fist full of shorts to make sure I didn’t end up with them round my ankles.”

After saying goodbye to Reception it was off to meet all of the other students around the school, with more questions to be answered and shirts to be signed.

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Thank you to everybody at Cummersdale Primary School for making this such an enjoyable visit.

Read Time: 3 mins