CUSG: December meeting minutes

CUSG Meeting Summary - Remote meeting via Zoom, 11.12.2023

Attendance –  John Kukuc (Chair), Simon Clarkson (SLO), Terry McCarthy (London Branch), Nigel Davidson (EDI Rep), Alastair Woodcock, Dan MacLennan (CUOSC), Keith Ward (Scottish Supporter), Bob Preece (South Lakes Supporters’ Club), Sonny Kirkwood (Warwick Road Enders), Charlotte Crosbie, Shelley Harrison, David Little, David Gale, Ross Mattinson (Disabled supporters reps), Louise Banks, Amy Nixon, Nigel Clibbens (CUFC)

Apologies –  Keith Elliott (CUSAT), Emmanuel Boateng (EDI - PoC), Gary Wylie (EDI - LGBTQ Supporters)

John Kukuc introduced the meeting, which included for the first time five representatives of CUFC disabled supporters, as part of a plan to revamp the disabled supporters group.

  1. CUFC Update

Louise Banks, ticket office manager, was invited to comment on ticket office operations recently. She said it had been a challenging time due to the volume of sales. Blackpool sales were done via the priority system. A lot of online sales were done for Blackpool. A couple of issues with online accounts had been reported and were soon sorted out. Fleetwood sales went more smoothly. The club’s online ticketing system has been complimented as easy to use by fans.

Simon asked about ambulant/carer tickets. Louise explained that these season tickets have separate IDs and are tagged on the database. Tickets can be bought with them online. Non ST holders amongst disabled fans have been added online.

Simon asked about the decision to sell Blackpool tickets on Monday morning. The club changed their plan from selling immediately after the Charlton game. The club listened to fans and are likely to sell on Mondays in future.

Louise said games are only put on priority if there are not enough tickets to cover every ST holder (and demand is expected to exceed supply). Blackpool and Fleetwood games came into this category. For Wigan, tickets are still available (more tickets than ST holders. 787 still available at time of meeting. A further 800 can be requested from Wigan).

Blackpool had a larger area for away supporters than had been allocated to us but were not selling those extra seats this season due to past issues with fans in those areas.

Advance notice of away allocations – the club request what the full allocation is for each away game. The club try to get the most tickets possible for the games that are closest (e.g. Blackpool, Fleetwood, Bolton…) where they know demand will be high. Everything is set up ready to sell 3 weeks in advance.

A question was asked by Bob Preece about the Barnsley game. It has been re-scheduled for January 16. Original tickets can be used. Refunds are also available on return of tickets.

Nigel Clibbens invited questions about the club update which had already been circulated amongst the group and is available to view HERE.

Simon asked about the successor to Colin Nixon, who is retiring as kit man at the end of the season. Nigel C said the role had been advertised with 100+ applicants. The club were inviting people in for interview shortly.

Fan behaviour - 2 letters from the FA have been received this season. All incidents leading to such letters had been originally reported by the match referee. The FA decide if they want to follow up on the content of these reports. The Charlton game saw two pitch incursions and a flare was let off in the Warwick Road End. Nigel C said a video circulating on social media this weekend showed a purported CUFC fan looking to fight with a bouncer/doorman in Blackpool. This behaviour was highly damaging to what the general public think of our fans.

Nigel C made another plea for improved fan behaviour, as the club had already had to pay a £3k fine for the pitch invasion at the Bradford City play-off match last season, with a further £2k suspended.

Nigel C commented that any likely action to be taken would inevitably involve more stewards, searching and police costs. This increases the bill for each game.

Sonny said he puts out regular appeals on social media but problems persist.

He said that the troublemakers were not unaccompanied fans under 14 years old.

The next fans’ forum had been arranged for next Monday night – December 18. Tom & Patty Piatak, Paul Simpson and new CUOSC board rep Matt Spooner will be on the panel.

  1. EDI Update

Nigel D had already circulated the EDI update which is available HERE.

He explained that the process of revamping the role of the disability rep was under way. Six people had shown an interest. Five were attending the meeting tonight. All 6 people would be utilised as a ‘team’ of representatives. Charlotte and Shelley were to be the lead reps, supported by Dave Little, Ross Mattinson, Dave Gale and Kate Rowley.

Each of those present were asked to give a brief profile of their work:

Charlotte --  worked in disability for a long time, including work for Carlisle Mencap.

Ross M – is mildly autistic. He wanted more people to understand autism.

Shelley --  works for Cumbria Deaf Association. She wants to make matches more accessible for the deaf.

David Little -- has Parkinsons. He is classed as ambulant disabled. He was hoping to encourage disabled fans to attend games. Volunteered/ worked for Carlisle Carers for 6 years.

David Gale -- attended games for 30 years. Has muscular dystrophy. Campaigned in the past with Muscular Dystrophy UK. Lives in Scotland.

Robert asked how to get in touch with the new disabled team? Nigel D said access was via the CUFC EDI account on social media or EDI email –

Nigel C said a press release was soon to go out about the new disabled team.

  1. Finance update

Bank balance was £1760.97 with £82 ring fenced for prizes. £100 for raffle tickets and £20 for lottery license to pay out, plus Keith Elliott to be reimbursed for his shirt purchase.

  1. New Year raffle

All tickets had been received. They were on sale in the ticket office and Blues Store at Brunton Park. They would be sold outside the ticket office this Friday and following Friday prior to the next two home games.

Online sales – a QR code on the publicity poster provides a link to this facility.

Northampton, Cheltenham and Port Vale -- volunteers are still needed to sell at these games. CUOSC appeals on their weekly briefings have not produced any volunteers. CUOSC to add links to buy tickets online in the weekly briefing.

Terry to provide tickets to anybody who wants them. £5 ticket books (5 tickets per book). Dan/John K agreed to take 20 books each.

Terry reported that there were now 17 prizes in total, including two seats on the supporters coach to Shrewsbury, donated by CUSAT.

Nigel C said that the club would give publicity to promote the raffle. Tickets can be sold at the fans’ forum next week. 

Looking ahead to the 50th anniversary 1974-75 first division season event – Nigel C said this should be targeted at Autumn/Winter 2024.

  1. Memorabilia update

Regular sorting and cataloguing continues from a small group of volunteers as was covered in the article published on 6 December. Donations can be made via the SLO and are regularly received with thanks.

A national lottery heritage fund application has been submitted and we should have an update on that in January. If successful, a £5000 contribution will need to be made (other external partners will do likewise) and therefore the CUSG new year raffle proceeds will go towards protecting our heritage.

In addition, there is a separate piece of activity with Tullie House for the ‘Carlisle Inspires’ display that will be a part of the new look building next year. Items have been selected for this display that include a pair of Jimmy Glass’s gloves.

  1. SLO update

Thanks to the efforts of CUSG volunteers, Cumberland Youth Justice Service and local businesses, the development of a memory garden at Brunton Park is progressing well. The Former Players Association are donating a bench in memory of Dave Wilkes that will be included. There will be a lot of people to thank at the end of the project which has been undertaken in some challenging weather conditions. We hope the area will serve as a quiet, reflective place where fans can go to be comforted and inspired.

The December run of North West away fixtures has brough challenges with the sale of these tickets. It was important to get the feedback to the club, so as to learn from issues arising. The latter sales day went much more smoothly but nevertheless a debrief at the meeting tonight is an important aspect of fan engagement.

Some away trips are to grounds a lot of our fans have not been to before, so it makes it important to gather relevant information from the home SLO and Police. We hope fans find the information Keith and I share is useful and it enhances the match day experience.

I have enjoyed supporting the rapid expansion of the South Cumbria Blues Supporters Group. Help and guidance in the form of using good practice from other supporters groups, has allowed for a quick transition and now they are established, the group have a membership database, obtain match tickets for members, arrange travel, meet socially and fundraise. Hot on the heels of doing this, it looks like my next challenge is to help establish a new Jacksonville based fan club. Bring it on.

At home games, our meeters and greeters are kept busy with a variety of activities around the ground including supporting the pre match community groups who get a mini ground tour before the game. We are delighted to have expanded the team this season with two new team members added. As our crowds grow and areas like the fan zone become increasingly popular, the team needs to keep evolving.

We are always on the lookout for more meeters and greeters, so please get in touch if you would like to join the team. As a thank you for helping you will receive a complimentary match ticket.

Nigel C paid tribute to Simon, for all the good work he has done since taking on the SLO role. Simon said he was happy just to get recognition from CUFC fans and the club.

  1. Group updates

Scottish Supporters – Keith had spoken to Nigel D about organising visits to schools in Scotland


Takeover - As we all know, Castle Sports Group have taken over the Club since our last gathering. CUOSC are proud to have played a key part in the process from the very beginning. A long nine months, but it’s done and best wishes to the Piataks for the future. We look forward to working alongside them as the Club moves forward.

Quick Wins - A couple of sessions happened pre-Charlton match. Thanks to all who came to help. Looking to cement some more sessions in the future. Watch out for details in due course!

AGM - Held our AGM on Sun 3rd Dec. Four new Board Members voted on: Martin Robson, Mike Denovellis, Claire Winder and Ross Parkinson. We thank Carol Wilson and Nigel Davidson who weren’t re-elected, Malcolm Nugent who was stepping down and Frank Beattie who stood down a few months back for their time and service to CUOSC over the years. Nearly 500 Members voted, which was a fantastic turnout.

New Appointments - Post AGM the new Board held a short meeting last week to confirm roles. Dan MacLennan is new Chair with Claire Winder the new Vice Chair. Matt Spooners moves to become our 1921 Rep, with Billy Atkinson remaining as our Holdings Rep. Dave Noble will be our alternate Rep. Alastair Woodcock and Peter Harrington remain as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

Paul Simpson Statement - Board of CUOSC put out a statement yesterday (Sun 10th Dec) after the well documented post match at Blackpool. Fantastic response to it, and a reaffirmation from the fanbase that ‘In Simmo we trust’.

Board Meeting - First full Board Meeting post-AGM scheduled for this Weds.

London Branch –

The London Branch would like to place on record its thanks to Andrew Jenkins and his fellow former directors for their work done in the past, and for ensuring the smooth handover of the control of the club to the Piatak family. The branch would also like to thank Andy Hall for all his help in the past, and to wish him a long and happy retirement.

South Cumbria -

Further new memberships since the last meeting – we now have 57 Members with several new joiners in the pipeline.

The group sent two coaches to Blackpool and are busy arranging for Wigan. It’s very likely that our coach to Wigan will again call in a Chorley FC to take advantage of their facilities and to meet up with many other supporter’s groups who are doing the same. Once again – the Ticket Office Team at Carlisle United were brilliant in helping us with our ticket requirements.

Several of our members will be travelling up via Train to the Northampton game on Saturday, meeting in the city ahead of the game for our Christmas Social.

On 21st November we welcomed Peter Smithson from the London Branch who has kindly shared his knowledge of MemberMojo – following which we are now starting to use it and it looks like it will significantly help us going forward.

  1. Any Other Business

Nigel D reported that the FSA national council mentioned groups like the CUSG today in their meeting. FSA will continue to promote these sort of organisations.

  1. Next meeting

January 22

Read Time: 12 mins