MANAGER: He's back with us

Midfielder Josh Dixon is back in the fold at Brunton Park with his loan spell with Workington having come to a close.

The 21-year-old joined the Reds in January and manager Paul Simpson confirmed at his midweek press conference that he was now back with Blues full-time.

“I’ve just been told before I came up [for the press conference] that he’s back at the club,” he said. “I think it was a mutual decision.

“I didn’t get asked about it being perfectly honest, I’ve not seen the lad play. He is back in the club, and we’ll just see how he goes.

“If we feel as though he can be effective, just like the other boys who are out on loan who we have a 24-hour recall, if we believe that they can have an effect on our team, then I’ll apologise to the other clubs who’ve got them, but they’ll be coming back here if I think they’ll help us.”

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