CLUB: A wonderful little boy

United boss Chris Beech paid tribute to 9-year-old Jordan Banks this afternoon - the boy with the golden curls - who was struck by lightning in Blackpool on Tuesday.

"The football family comes together this week to show solidarity, compassion and support to the family and friends of Jordan Banks, the number 7 for Clifton Bees U9’s, who tragically lost his life on Tuesday evening on Common Edge playing fields in Blackpool.

"I was born in Blackpool and grew up in Fleetwood and I was a 9-year-old myself playing football on Common Edge playing fields.

"I have friends and family that live there and I can’t begin to express how sad this is. From myself, my family, everyone associated with Carlisle United and the whole of Cumbria, we stand United to offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and team mates of such a wonderful little boy.

"The football community has come together across the country over the last 24-hours by posting nine football emojis in support and respect, it would be great if we could give it our backing.

"Fly high Jordan, you’re forever in the hearts and minds of everyone."

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