CUSG: Agenda for the June meeting

Carlisle United Supporters’ Groups (CUSG) will host their next meeting with chief executive Nigel Clibbens and club staff on Monday 7 June where groups will provide feedback from their members and take the opportunity to discuss progress on the latest joint initiatives, as well as address or raise any issues.

Following the recent announcements on the catering operation being brought in-house at the club, the priority on the evening will be to discuss the new catering arrangements.

Click HERE to view the agenda for the CUSG meeting on Monday 7 June.

Attending the meeting will be Carol and Peter Johnson from John Watt & Son, a renowned local company who will be providing support to the club as they set off on this new venture.

Click HERE to read about the new in-house catering arrangements.

The meeting will review some of the early results from the Catering Questionnaire – thank you for the fantastic response and for taking the time to answer the questions – and will begin to look at the bringing together of a Catering Panel which will provide continual feedback and input as we go forward into the new season.

Click HERE to find out more about the Catering Panel, including instruction on how to put your name forward.

Additionally at the meeting group representatives will hear from Nigel on a broad range of topics following on from the recent two-part forums, which were also hosted by CUSG. 

Click HERE to watch the forums again.

CUSG chairman Simon Clarkson said: “The recent forums have really helped us to focus on the areas we need to concentrate on with the club.

“We welcome suggestions from fans as to what they would like us to be asking at these meetings, so please get in touch with any of the reps or directly with CUSG at

“As we ramp up to next season, hopefully with fans back in the ground, we will increase our fundraising efforts.

“A popular option has always been the prediction competition which still generated some funds this season, despite entry numbers being lower. Rather embarrassingly, I won it this year!”

You can see the results from the 2020/21 Prediction Competition HERE.

As usual fans can put their own questions direct to the club via the forum. Answers will be published after the meeting, along with the meeting minutes.

Chief executive Nigel Clibbens said: “It is a very busy time for the club operationally with the new catering initiative, preparations for next season and new kit, new season tickets and SLO on the way.  

“I want the fans to participate in all of these areas and CUSG is a great way to do it. Working together and engaging with the fans never stops in my view.

“We have just had two fans’ forums, which play their part, but it has to be a continuous and two-way relationship. Too often I see token gestures and boxes being ticked, or clubs seeking to simply placate fans. 

“That’s disrespectful to fans and damaging to all concerned because fans see through it. It must be real.”

“I think fans can see we are committed to this, and those in the wider game are starting to see it too,” he continued. “We have come a long way, and some supporters may have a case to say that we started from so far back that this was what we needed to do.

“I would probably agree. But the latest initiatives, even in the last month with the refreshed and fully independent SLO, Catering Panel and questionnaire are real practical examples of the ongoing work.”

Click HERE to read about the Catering Questionnaire, and for details on how to complete it.

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