LOCAL HERO: Nominate your local hero for the Colchester game

As part of our welcome back to fans for the Colchester home game on Saturday 7 August we’re asking for you to nominate your Local Heroes – people who have gone above and beyond to help others over the course of the past 18-months through some truly testing times.

We’ll be saying thank you to those nominated on the day of the game as we bring them onto the pitch during the half-time break, and they’ll be part of a photo line-up (picture to be taken by the club’s official photographer) with the digital image to be sent to them afterwards as a keepsake, and as part of their thank you from you and from us.

Chief executive Nigel Clibbens said: “Some of the stories that came out of Carlisle, Cumbria and the local region through the lockdown periods were unbelievably heart-warming.

“It confirmed what we already knew – this part of the north-west is about caring and looking after each other, community values and togetherness.

“This is a small gesture, we’re aware of that, but we want to make our special occasion, with fans back with us for a competitive fixture for the first time in a long time, special for people who have done so much for others as well.

“We’re looking forward to receiving the nominations and to finding out about some of the fantastic things they did.”

Do you know someone who went out of their way to be kind during the lockdown periods?

Perhaps it was regular phone calls to vulnerable people, shopping trips for those who were shielding, or simply keeping in contact with those who needed it most.

Send you Local Hero nomination to media@carlisleunited.co.uk – include the reason why you are nominating then – and we’ll arrange entry (free of charge) for the game with them, with full details of how the half-time pitch parade will work included.

If your Local Hero can’t attend the game – tell us about them anyway! We’ll include their story in a Local Hero follow-up article which will appear on the official website.

Please note – there is no limit on Local Hero numbers … we want to thank as many people as we can for what they did for us.

If submitted in time, your Local Hero will also appear on the Big Screen on the day and in the match programme.

Please do remember to include a photograph (not essential – but very nice to able to display as part of the story).

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