TOGETHER WE CAN: Support our local Food Bank

Carlisle United Football Club and CUOSC have been regular supporters of Carlisle Foodbank over recent seasons, with our last match day collection proving to be a record-breaking event.

Click HERE to read the article about our last foodbank collection.

As soon as the current lockdown restrictions are lifted we will, once again, be holding a collection here at Brunton Park - but the centre is still open right now ... and it needs your help more than ever.

Can you donate vital food and supplies for those less fortunate in our area?

If so, please do make a donation, but remember to stay safe and abide by social distancing guidelines as you do so.

More details can be found at on how you can help.

Collection / donation points can be found in participating supermarkets including: Asda, Co-op, Morrisons, Sainsburys, SPAR and Tesco.

Please note - you can deposit food from any supermarket at these collection points, the food does not have to be purchased from that particular store.

These are tough times and this is a simple but really effective way of helping some of the most vulnerbale people in our society.

Please help if you can.


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