CUOSC: Carlisle REUnited fundraiser

CUOSC want to say a big thank you to fans that have already got behind our ‘Carlisle REUnited’ campaign.

We have had a terrific response so far and raised over £3,000 since last week's launch.

But that is only the start – we want the fund to grow and grow.

We are in this for the long haul and have a number of initiatives in the pipeline - so watch this space.

Many people are having a tough time at the moment but Blues fans are already digging deep.

CUOSC’s campaign is about making sure the population of Carlisle and the surrounding community still have a healthy League football team to support when we emerge from this catastrophic Covid-19 pandemic.

After all, the Blues have been around since 1904.

No-one knows yet when the new season will start and, if and when it does, it may begin behind closed doors – posing major financial challenges for clubs like Carlisle. Now is the time to help.

We would like as many fans involved as possible.

If you want more details about the campaign visit or if you want to contact us email

Imagine what we can achieve if we truly are ‘REUnited’?

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