CUSG: April update from the Disabled Supporters

Since the last report the Disabled Group has finished updating the disabled facilities at ground level at the Warwick Road End side of the Pioneer Stand.

We are very grateful to the London Branch and Carlisle United Away Travel, who jointly financed this upgrade, and to staff at the club who helped install the shelter.  

Over the last few months we have tried to plan a raised platform for wheelchair and other disabled supporters in the Pioneer Stand. Unfortunately, because of the nature of the build in the Pioneer Stand, the cost of making such a platform, which complied with the current health and safety regulations, and provided enough space to be worthwhile, has meant a raised area would not be viable. So it is back to the drawing board.  We are currently looking at other areas where people using wheelchairs can get a better view of the pitch and also have the use of facilities.

I don’t know if any of you noticed the wheelchair facilities for home fans at Prenton Park, when we played Tranmere Rovers the other week.  They had utilised the ramp at one corner of the pitch to incorporate a raised platform in the end stand, which gave easy access for wheelchair users and their families. A nice addition since last time we were there.

We have had offers of help to finance the Radar locks we need, which is great news and we hope to have those fitted in the near future.

Our ticket office manager at the club, Louise Banks, is also the club’s Disability Liaison Officer, and Louise works hard to make sure things run smoothly for disabled (and able bodied) supporters. Most queries can be sorted with a quick phone call to her.

I will have some of the new Jimmy Glass pin badges, priced at £2, for sale on the trip to Grimsby Town on Easter Monday. Profits go to the Carlisle United Supporters’ Groups, who help make the match day experience better for all United fans.

I will be in the Study Centre between 1.30pm and 2.30pm before both the Lincoln City and Crawley Town matches.  Please, if you have any questions, or just fancy a chat, drop in and see me. 

Please do remember though, I will only talk about individual problems with the person concerned. People’s privacy has to be respected.

Thank you for your comments and input through the season.

Barry Carter

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