FOODBANK: Etuhu and Jones deliver donations

Working together with CUOSC, our ‘Bring a Tin’ campaign, which was held ahead of the Colchester United game at Brunton Park last Saturday, saw more food and toiletries donated to Carlisle Food Bank than ever before.

The collection was the fourth of its kind at Brunton Park, and United fans came out in their numbers to make things better for some of the more disadvantaged people in our community.  

Midfielders Kelvin Etuhu and Mike Jones went along to the Food Bank on Wednesday afternoon to hand the donations in, and also meet some of the important volunteers who help make sure the vital service runs smoothly.

Kelvin Etuhu said: “It was amazing to see all of the food that had been donated ahead of an important time of year. The volunteers had a big job on their hands to organise everything into the right category and make sure the sell by dates were correct.

“When we went into the Food Bank there was a queue of people who were waiting for this vital service to open, so it just goes to show how important the fans’ donations were and how they will really help numerous people in need over the festive period.”

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Billy Atkinson, CUOSC board member and Holdings Board director said: “We were overwhelmed with donations ahead of the Colchester game. The Study Centre at Brunton Park was unrecognisable with so many different items being dropped off.

“This is the fourth collection CUOSC have been involved in, and it’s definitely the biggest yet. We were really pleased to be able to go and donate such a large number of vital items to the Food Bank ahead of what can be a difficult time of year.

“We’d like to thank every fan who donated, whether it was a small or large donation, and we hope the supplies are a big help to those who need it most.”

Follow the link for more information about Carlisle Food Bank - 

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