
In the second part of our interview with Nicky Adams he tells us how happy he is at the club and how he wants to go one better next season.

“I’m here next season," he said. "Loads of people have asked whether I’m leaving but I just say ‘no, why would I leave?’.

"I’m at a really good club and I’ve just had one of the best seasons of my career on a personal note. We nearly got promoted and I’ve got a manager who believes in me.

"There is no reason for me to leave ... unless Barcelona want me! I’m really happy here and I want to be here for a long time."

And with that subject done and dusted we took the opportunity to quiz him on his season highlight - of which there had to be many.

“One of my highlights was the goal against Doncaster when my dad was at the game," he told us. "He’d only been to one game before that, because of his illness, and it was frustrating him that he was hearing how well I was doing and how well the team were playing, but not being able to come up and watch us.

“He came up that night and it was a really good game against Doncaster, who were top of the league. We were the better team on the night and that goal was nice for him.

“I’ve had a few other special moments this year. Looking back I think the Newport goal was good, because it was important, but the equaliser here in the play-offs was a real ‘wow’. It was unbelievable.

"The noise and the emotion was massive. When we were 3-1 down people probably thought we were buried, but we got back into it. Hopefully we can have more of those moments next season."

And off the field, there was another addition to the family just before the season came to a close.

“I had another little one a couple of weeks ago and she’s all good," he told us. "I’ve been able to spend a bit of time with her this weekend but she’s got no idea what’s going on yet.

"Hopefully she can come to a few games next season, but she’ll probably hate football in a few years time. Family is the most important thing - the baby and the missus are healthy, so I’ll be happy this summer."

And on his end-of-season meeting with the manager, he said: “I’ve just had my chat with the gaffer and there are always areas for improvement. I’m harsh on myself and I always want to improve. With the way I play I know I’m always going to create chances, but I know I need to score more goals.

“I need to be more greedy in a way, I suppose. Sometimes I’ve been in front of goal this year and I’ve passed it to someone else. That’s just the way I am because I want my team mates to score.

"You never stop improving. The day that you think you have is the day you’ll go backwards. I’m 30 now but I feel like I’m 20 and I just want to keep getting better and better, and I think I can. There’s still a lot more to come from me."

“I’m going to have a few weeks off now to chill, but then I’ll be bored and I’ll want to be back in training," he admitted. "Football is what I live for and this is what I love, so I already can’t wait to get started.

“Lee Fearn has actually asked me to come back in better shape than I did last year. I’d just got off a flight the night before we came back last season so I was jet lagged, I’m using that as my excuse! These days you have to come back in good shape because if you don’t you get left behind.

“Everyone came back really fit last year and I’m sure it’ll be the same again. I know I can’t afford to not come back fit because of the way I play and the tempo I play at. Once I’ve had a few weeks off I’ll be back in the gym ticking over making sure I’m ready to go."

And, just like everybody else connected to the club, he also admitted that he'll be keeping one eye on the transfer comings and goings over the next few months.

“I’ll be keeping an eye on who we sign," he said. "We know the gaffer is ambitious so it will be good to see who he brings in.

"They will have to be good players because we’ve already got some good players here. I think the gaffer knows what he wants and knows what he needs. Players who are thinking about coming here will look at us as a good, attacking side and they’ll want to be a part of it.

“Hopefully we can get the right players in and those additions will help us kick on to the top three, which is where we want to be.”

Click HERE to read part one of this interview.

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Read Time: 5 mins