INTERVIEW: I think this will suit me

John O'Sullivan on signing for United

We caught up with new arrival John O’Sullivan moments after he’d signed his 18-month deal with the club on Monday afternoon to get his thoughts on his move up north.

“I spoke to the manager and a few other people at the club and I like the sound of where it’s going,” he said. “I’m just happy it’s done now and I’m looking forward to getting going and playing some games.

“I really do feel this is a challenge I can get my teeth into. I’ve shown I’m capable at this level and I’ll be working hard to get into the team.”

“One of the big reasons for me coming here is because Keith Curle and Lee Dykes showed a real interest me,” he confirmed. “When I spoke to them both last week I liked what they had to say and I was impressed by what their ambitions are.

“The way they like the team to play sounds like it will suit me and that was important. Having 18 months means I can get settled and I want to get back to playing the way I know I can as quickly as possible. It’s all about helping the team to get promotion now.

“When I was talking to Keith I told him that the toughest games I’ve been involved in over the last few seasons have been when we’ve come up against Carlisle. During the first half of the game earlier this season I was up against a left back who kicked me every time I got the ball.

“That kind of thing sticks in your mind because you know it’s a team with a desire to win games. Looking back at those games, and the football the team played, it stood out for me and I’m excited that I’m now going to be part of it.”

And confirming that United had beaten off interest from elsewhere, he said: “There were other clubs and offers for me to consider, but when I sat down and thought about everything it was an easy decision to make.

“I’ve had some really good loan spells and I’ve been successful with most of them but for me, at the moment, I’m at a stage of my career where I want to be settled somewhere so that I can really start to feel part of a team.

“The good thing now is that I’m at a club I can call my own and hopefully we’ll be playing in League One next season. I want that to be the case and it’s another part of the reason why I’m here. I want to play my part and help the club to get promoted.”

Another positive influence on the final decision to make the move up to Brunton Park was the conversation he had with former Accrington team mate Luke Joyce.

“Accrington were brilliant with me, I had two fantastic loan spells there, and their manager [John Coleman] gave me a chance to show what I could do,” he told us. “I’ll always be really grateful for that.

“I obviously spoke to Joycey and he was another reason why it was an easy decision for me to come here. I phoned him last week to talk about the move because he’s someone I trust. When I was with him at Accrington first time round I was a young lad and he really helped me out. He was one of those who was always trying to get the best out of me and he had nothing but good things to say about coming here.

“This is a challenge I can’t wait for now. I’m itching to get going because I’ve had a few weeks off as we sorted out what I was going to do next. It won’t take long to get the sharpness back but I know the lads have been doing well, so that’s why it’ll come down to me working hard enough to get into the team.”

When asked what the United fans can expect to see from him, he said: “I’m an all-action player and I always work hard. One of my key attributes is that I want to win games. I do whatever I can to make that happen.

“I’m quick, I like taking people on and hopefully I’ll be showing the fans that soon enough. I’ve played out wide a lot recently but it’s up to the manager how he wants to use me.

“Through my loan spells I’ve been at my best out on the wing, so that’s probably where you’ll see me playing. As a footballer you go out in any game to win. It comes game by game and all I will do is give everything I can every time I go out on the pitch.”

Next up for the nippy wide man is to meet his team mates at his first training session with the club on Wednesday morning.

“I do still get nervous,” he admitted. “I’m not sure what the initiation is here but I’ll have that to go through as well.

“I’ve been at a few clubs and I think I’ve got better at singing every time. Joycey has already got me involved with the car school he’s in and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone on Wednesday.

“I’m looking forward to meeting our fans as well. I’ve been on the wrong end of the passion from the Carlisle supporters every time I’ve been up here, but hopefully they’ll be supporting me now I’m playing for their side.”

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