INTERVIEW: The atmosphere was great

Jabo Ibehre on his goal and the atmosphere in the Hartlepool game

We spoke to striker Jabo Ibehre following his goal in the 3-2 victory over Hartlepool on Saturday.

“It was a fantastic game,” he said. “When I came off I was watching from the bench and nearly having a heart attack - I could never be a manager!

“We showed great character. We were watching the Danny Grainger free kick on the bench and when it went in we couldn’t quite believe it. Raynesy’s [Michael Raynes] header was magnificent as well and we just don’t know where we’re beaten at the moment.

"We’re all working hard. At one point Mike Jones took the ball all the way to the corner, then ran all the way back. That shows we’ve really got the bit between our teeth. Long may it continue."

“We’ve got some great characters in the dressing room," he told us. "We all get on so well. It’s a really good bunch of guys and when we’re out on the pitch we’re just on it, especially now we have something to protect. If someone isn’t doing it then the other lads will tell them they need to do more. The longer we go without losing games the more confidence we’re building."

Speaking about his goazl, he said: “It was a great touch and a great run from Shaun [Miller]. I think sometimes strikers know where you want the ball, so I knew where he would put it. He put a great ball in at Morecambe and we were talking after that game about how he just knew where I would want it.

“I knew as he had the ball and looked up it was going to go across the face of goal, because that’s where he would want it if it was the other way round. That's why I did everything I could to get there. Fortunately I rammed it into the back of the net.

“The atmosphere was great and you could really hear the fans. There was a lot of passion, it was a great game for the neutral anyway, but the fans do give you a buzz. Hopefully they keep coming back and we keep doing well. That way we can really get the place rocking."

“We’re enjoying winning and working hard at the moment," he said. "We’ve got the record in the back of our minds because we’ve got something to protect, and we’re going out thinking we aren’t going to lose, which is helping us even more."

Speaking about set pieces as a useful avenue for goals, he said: "When we get a free kick we know we’ve got a chance. We work hard on set pieces with Simon Tracey and we’re looking dangerous. Even from throw ins, with anything in the last third we think we have a chance, which is a great tool to have.

“It’s important that we work hard on the training pitch because without that we wouldn’t be able to go out and get these results. Everyone works hard, we don’t have to be told to do extra, we’re in the gym and doing sessions after training.

"It’s great to see and we’re getting the rewards for it at the moment. I think it will continue, it all just feels good and we’ll just keep smiling and hopefully it will carry on."

“Who knows how far we can take it?" he commented. "We’ll just keep taking every game as it comes and making sure we’re doing what we’ve been doing on the training pitch, while also making sure we’re enjoying it. The dressing room is such a fun environment to be in and I think that’s one of the main things."

“I don’t think I’ve ever been on a run like this during my career," he admitted. "I’ve gone a few games, but I don’t think this many, so you’ve just got to roll with it and keep going. I don’t think about it too much, we’ll keep doing the hard work away from the pitch and I think it just takes care of itself.

“Although we aren’t concentrating on records it’s good to be a part of and to have it to hold in your heart. We talk about still being unbeaten after the game, Nicky [Adams] is on a great run himself, and we almost want to carry it on for him to see if he can go a full year unbeaten."

“I think the competition for places has made everyone up their own game," he told us. "When you look at the bench today it’s amazing because most of our players would get into the first team at other clubs.

"The recruitment has been great by the management. As individuals we want to do our best in the team, for your team mates and yourself. You know if you aren’t doing it then there’s another good player ready to step in and take your place.

"It makes you work hard and not take things for granted. Competition is good because it brings out the best in people and it’s definitely doing that at the moment.

“More has been added in attack because Derek [Asamoah] is back. He made his cameo appearance on Saturday and it's lovely to see him back, because he’s such a nice guy. I’m sure he’ll do well for us again."

On his own form, he said: “I’m feeling good. I was unfortunate not to start the season after I picked up a little injury. Sometimes it takes a while to get going and get your body back firing.

"I’m back where I feel I need to be now. I’m working hard, people are pushing me as well as me pushing others, so we’ll just keep going. I’m happy and enjoying it, and when I’m happy I feel good.

“My hamstring did give me a bit of a warning on Saturday. We'll see how it goes but I think I’ll be fine. We’ll be going to Stevenage with confidence, no game is easy, but we’re confident that we can go down there and get a positive result.”

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Read Time: 6 mins