MANAGER: I know the value of players at this level

Keith Curle on having the resources to build a competitive squad

Manager Keith Curle confirmed this week that he is confident he has the resources he requires to build a squad capable of pushing for a top seven finish next season.

“We have had the preliminarily conversations about budget which will see us able to compete for the players I think are needed for us to have another successful season at the football club,” he said. “I didn't get exactly what I wanted, that's part of negotiating, but I know there is still money there if we hit the ground running and do what I think we're capable of doing. We'll leave a little bit of change in the kitty so we can still improve and continue that progression.

“The pleasing thing is we’re going shopping with a few quid in our pocket. There's nothing worse than going shopping and seeing something you like, but not being able to afford it. It's nice to know we can afford players, but there could always be someone better around the corner. 

“We want to wait to make sure we get the right players with the right character and ultimately with the right hunger. Players who come here now have got to want to see us be progressive.”

“We aren't going to get every single player we want, but the nice thing is that people are more prepared to talk to us now than they were last season,” he commented. “Last year we were approaching players and they were saying thanks, but no thanks. 

“They're now entering into negotiations which aren't all about money. Word spreads that we have good incentive packages here. If players come here and perform they can earn good money, but they do need to earn it. We're proud of that message because as a football club we’re good payers, but the players really do have to earn it.”

“I met with a player last week but financially we can't compete, which I fully accept,” he revealed. “I have a value I put on the player and I can't spend the club's money if I don't think I'm getting value for it.

“We make good offers with a little bit of wriggle room. If a player comes back and says they want double the wages and triple the term then it's a no-go, and we move elsewhere. I've got a good understanding of the value of players in this division and I won’t go beyond that.

“There are certain requirements I’ve had to ask for in terms of improving our first team environment which will have a direct impact on the budget. There are improvements to the training ground and the stadium which I want to see to help with the environment I’m trying to create. 

“A large majority of the budget has been made available immediately for building a squad for next season. Some of that will be kept for as and when it’s needed for the acquisition of players further down the line.” 

“Any players sold, the money generated from that goes straight back into the budget,” he confirmed. “That’s the same with cup runs, where a proportion of that money will be put into the budget to help us to improve the first team. 

“There are improvements to the training facilities going on right now but, as I say, I’m doing that to improve my working environment. We now have a state of the art gym and I know some Championship and even Premier League clubs would be more than happy with it at their training grounds. It costs money to do that, but I think it’s money well spent with a long-term view for the betterment of the club and its facilities.”

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