INTERVIEW: I'm chomping at the bit

Joe Thompson on his reserve game appearance

We spoke to midfielder Joe Thompson at Carlisle Key about an important appearance with one of our official charity partners and about his appearance in the reserve game against Barrow on Tuesday afternoon.

"When you come to places like this you see how much work goes on behind the scenes," he told us. "It's amazing to see how much food and clothing gets given to the charity. I was speaking to the ladies involved and they're all doing it voluntarily because they want to help which is amazing.

"I've spoken to Josh [Bray] and you can see how grateful he is for the help he's getting here. The charity are providing him computer access, clothes and somewhere to come and keep warm whilst also trying to instil a bit of structure back into his life."

On the football side of things, he said: "I really enjoyed the game against Barrow. They brought a strong team but I was impressed with how our lads applied themselves.

"It was competitive, which is what we wanted, and we won the game. That's always a nice feeling. I feel really fit and fresh, I'm chomping at the bit and the gaffer knows that.

"I thought I had a good game overall. I put in quite a few crosses and Danny Grainger has just dropped me a text saying I was on fire, so I appreciate that. I know Dykesey will go back and report to the gaffer and we all went about the game properly and I just love being involved.

"I'm happy being out wide and providing crosses. I say to the lads I'll just put it in for them to take all the glory. I think all I was missing today was a goal, but the keeper made a couple of good saves from me so I can't complain." 

"I've had to be patient since I signed my contract but the gaffer has told me to keep doing what I'm doing and I'll get my rewards," he commented. "He knows football so I've got trust and faith in him. He knows what he's doing and what he's doing is the best thing for the team."

Speaking about a potential play-off push, he said: "I've been involved in successful sides and I think it's definitely in that dressing room. 

"I've been promoted twice and all it needs is a bit of momentum. Things start rolling and before you know it you're unstoppable. That's why we're all really looking forward to the back end of the season.

"I'll stay positive and keep working hard. I'll keep showing the gaffer what I can do in training and I'll just wait for my chance."

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