INTERVIEW: I feel ready to go

Brandon Comley on returning to United on loan

We spoke to midfielder Brandon Comley ahead of training on Wednesday morning as he returned to Brunton Park on-loan until the end of the season.

"I'm feeling refreshed but it's been a frustrating period for me," he said. "I'm glad to be back up here and I just want to help with the push towards the play-offs now. For a young player to pick up an injury when he's been playing games, especially on loan, is so disappointing.

"The injury was badly sprained ligaments but I think I've recovered fairly quickly and I'm feeling good now. It happened in the Morecambe game. I got tackled and went over on it but I tried to carry on. However, I knew at half time it was better for the team if I came off. We ended up getting the win so it was the right decision." 

"The QPR medical staff have been great with me," he told us. "I've done everything I needed to do to make sure I got back here as quickly as I could. The physios from both clubs have been in touch with each other and the staff here have kept in touch with me to see how I was getting on.

"I've had a few injuries that have kept me out for a few days here and there, but that's the first time I've been out for a longer period of time."

"I feel ready to play now," he insisted. "I just want to get straight back in there. I obviously need to keep up with my programme to make sure there aren't any repercussions, but I feel ready to go.

"I just want to get back onto the pitch. I don't think QPR would have sent me back up here if they didn't think I was ready to be involved so whenever the gaffer wants me back out there I'll be ready."

"I was really enjoying my time here before I got injured," he told us. "Everyone at the club was so welcoming and I was playing football, which is what I wanted to be doing.

"Playing League Two football has been what I thought it would be. It's a fight but you can play good football as well, which has been a great experience for me as a young player."

On the push for the play-offs, he said: "I've come back in this morning and you can tell when you hear the lads talking about how many games are left, and who we're playing, that we're all still looking at those top places.

"We all want to kick on and make sure we get the wins we need to make sure the club is where it should be.

"It's a massive weekend ahead because we've got two big games in quick succession. Playing Tuesday-Saturday games was something I had to adjust to when I came here but back-to-back games become second nature once you get used to it." 

Speaking about his personal situation, he said: "I've got a contract with QPR for next season but my focus right now is on pushing Carlisle towards the play-offs. Knowing the manager wanted me to come back up here once I was ready gave me an extra boost to try and get fit as quickly as I could.

"When I got injured I was thinking all sorts. Stuff like I'd never get chance to come back here and play again, and things like that, but the manager was really good and he reassured me that he still wanted me.

"The first team players at QPR told me I wouldn't know what football was like until I went out and played it and they were totally right. To come up here and be fighting for points to try and get us to where we think we should be is a totally different experience."

"The fans here are great," he said. "They travel to away games in great numbers. I went to the Wimbledon game and there were a huge amount of fans there considering the distance and the fact it was on a Tuesday night."

On his battle back to fitness, he explained: "Although I was only out for three weeks I had to make sure I stayed positive. I think it was important to keep smiling because I knew that if I looked after myself properly I would be able to come back here. I've done that and I can't wait to show everyone that I'm back and ready to play.

"I don't think I could come back and give it 80% in training. I'm not the type of player to feel my way back into things. I know you've got to be careful after an injury but that's not really my sort of game. I just want to get straight back into it now.

"QPR are really happy with how I'm progressing. When I was back there everyone was saying that the feedback they've had has all been positive. They just want me to keep playing and doing what I was doing before the injury happened."

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