CUSG: Popular pin badge returns

Popular CUSG pin badge returns

The Carlisle United Supporters’ Groups [CUSG] are delighted to announce 500 extra pin badges are now available.

Due to the popularity of the first batch of badges, 500 more were ordered and are now available from CUSG reps, the Blues Store on Warwick Road or online HERE

The pin badge – a collaborative effort involving all of United’s fan groups working together under the CUSG banner – is available in blue and white for just £2.

CUSG member Simon Clarkson said: “We're absolutely delighted that the first batch sold-out and we're pleased to be in a position to be back out there and getting this popular pin badge to those people who missed out first time round.

"Thank you to everybody who has purchased a pin badge so far."

United’s Fan Representative Claire Winder said: “We'd like to thank Billy Atkinson for continuing to sponsor this project and it's been good to see so many fans, at home and away, wearing their badge with pride.

The design of the badge was finalised at the January meeting of CUSG and we were all delighted when Billy Atkinson, the owner of The Local, an off-licence in English Street in Carlisle, offered to sponsor the initial production run of 500 badges.

“The money raised will go towards commentary equipment we want to purchase for the visually impaired. We all feel that this has been a great way for CUSG to launch their first of what we hope will be a significant number of successful projects.”  

For more information on CUSG click HERE

Click HERE to download an information flyer on the CUSG Pin Badge initiative.
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