INTERVIEW: He's very creative with the ball at his feet

Lee Dykes on Reggie Lambe

Head of recruitment Lee Dykes spoke to us about the signing of wide man Reggie Lambe.

"Reggie did well against us both times he played us last season," he said. "He probably killed us a little bit with the goal he scored against us, which was the second goal in the game.

"He's a good, tricky player and he's someone you don't want to be up against one-against-one. He can go either way and he can play anywhere across the front three. He's very creative with the ball at his feet and we're excited about seeing Reggie in pre-season, and adding that ability to our squad."

"People like Reggie can unlock doors for you in difficult situations," he continued. "He's a very talented player who will do well on the pitch at Brunton Park. He's a wide player who can come in off the line, or go down it, and he's good with both feet and he'll score and create goals.

"We'll be able to play Reggie in a number of positions but we've spoken to him and we know what his best position will be. Reggie had more financially lucrative offers to go and play at the same level, and a higher level.

"He could also have stayed at the club he was at last season, but as soon as we met Reggie the manager sold the club and his philosophy to him. He bought into that straight away. I think he sees himself getting more of the ball at Carlisle United and that's what we intend to give him.

"Reggie isn't the sort of player who would have enjoyed being camped in his own half when he played at Brunton Park last season - but he can be camped in his half then switch it on and score a goal, as we saw."

On the ongoing work to bring more players into the club, he explained: "People might think myself and the manager watch the game on the sideline and take a few training sessions and that's it.

"That isn't the case.We've been looking at players since January even though we didn't know if we would be in League One or League Two. It didn't really matter to me, because the players I was looking at would have been quality in both leagues.

"The players we've retained give us a strong foundation to help new arrivals, like Nicky Adams and Reggie Lambe, to come into the building and kick us on.

"Some signings take a bit of time and others go through quickly, whereas some never go through. Until they sign on the dotted line you don't like to count your chickens too early.

"We've now signed five players who we thought we could get into the building quickly. The fans will like that, we hope ... and there's more to come."

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