NCS: Developing skills for later life

Summer NCS Programme tackles projects and residential tasks

The summer cohort of NCS students at Carlisle United have been kept busy in their school holidays following a hard year of studying for their GCSEs.

The 35 students from Caldew School who signed up to do the NCS programme have spent the last four weeks becoming more involved within their communities, as well as becoming more active and responsible citizens.

For the first time in three years the club had three teams of students spending time on a residential course outside the area. This was a period of learning skills from important people in the community and developing a social action project where they raised money for a series of good causes.

The residential at Lockerbie involved the students taking part in a wide range of outdoor activities. During the second week the young people received talks on careers and went on a fact finding tour inside Carlisle’s Pirelli tyre factory.

Throughout this time they have been living in the University of Cumbria’s student flats to give them a taste of independent living, with no help from parents. Every evening the students went through a competition based on the Channel 4 show “Come Dine With Me."

The programme rounded off with a series of sponsored activities at Brunton Park to raise money.

Money raised was used to purchase the resources they needed to complete activities at their chosen charities, which were Eden Valley Hospice, Eden Rivers Trust, Carlisle Key and Yewdale Community Centre.

Each one of the teenagers also brought in items for other teenagers suffering personal crises at Carlisle Key.

John Sander, NCS Coordinator at Carlisle United, said: “It has been amazing to see the sacrifices that the young people have made to take part. They have given their time up and raised nearly £1,000 for some very valuable local causes which they themselves have identified."

Student Mia Harkness commented: “It has been really good fun and taught us all a lot of skills which will be useful in our future careers."

Will Nixon, another student taking part, added: “I think it is something all young people should do. It helps you gain confidence and gives you valuable skills for later life."

After completing their social action projects the students will celebrate their success at a special graduation ceremony in Foxy's Restaurant at Brunton Park. All the young people will receive a certificate signed by the Prime Minister which will be presented by Carlisle’s MP John Stevenson.

Hopefully the journey is not over for these young people - many will continue as graduate volunteers and NCS ambassadors in the years ahead.

For more information on our NCS programme, click HERE or email
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