PARTNERSHIPS: Ground-breaking agreement signed

Club and University of Cumbria to work on a collaborative basis

Carlisle United Football Club and University of Cumbria have signed a ground-breaking partnership agreement this week which has been designed to be mutually beneficial for both organisations.

Key aspects of the agreement include:

• Volunteering, placement and internship opportunities for University of Cumbria students at Carlisle United Football Club.
• Integration of University of Cumbria students into Carlisle United Football Club projects.
• Training and development opportunities for Carlisle United staff at the University of Cumbria.
• Promotion and delivery of local and regional events to support an awareness and profile raising agenda.
• Opportunities for increased access to Carlisle United Football Club matches and events for University of Cumbria students.

Sandra Booth Pro Vice Chancellor University of Cumbria said: “We are delighted and excited to be working on a collaborative basis with Carlisle United Football Club. Both organisations share similar values, an aspiration to grow, to be innovative and to put Carlisle on the map. By working together as partners we believe we will achieve more for students, fans, followers, the City and the community as a whole.”

Carlisle United’s Sales and Marketing Director Phil King said: “We are delighted to sign a partnership agreement with University of Cumbria. We have met with Sandra Booth and the team at the University a number of times over the last month or so, and it’s clear that there are shared principles and shared goals between the two organisations. 

“There is a lot of benefit to the Club to work closely with the University, and their staff and students, and this agreement is a great starting point for that. There is some excellent partnership and joint project work happening across the city of Carlisle, and the football club should be part of that.”
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