CUSG: First meeting update

An update from the first meeting of CUSG


The first meeting of the Carlisle United Supporter Groups (CUSG) was held on Wednesday 7 October 2015 at Brunton Park and was attended by representatives from Carlisle United, Carlisle United Official Supporters Club (CUOSC), Carlisle United Supporters Away Travel (CUSAT), Carlisle United Supporters Club London Branch (CUSCLB), Carlisle United Supporters Club Gretna Branch, & the Fans Rep. Route 66 Blues Travel were not at this first meeting but will be at subsequent meetings as will a representative for disabled Blues Supporters.

The intention is that the group will officially meet every six weeks however we will also meet as and when required regarding specific projects once these get under way. The Fan Rep will chair the six weekly meetings whilst CUOSC will administer the group and the processes including producing minutes.

CUSG Projects

We discussed a number of ideas in relation to fundraising, but most specifically the disabled facilities at Brunton Park for both home and away supporters; a working group is to be set up to look into ideas for improvement; we are looking at making use of links with local businesses to support the project along with other funding options which are currently being investigated through contact with other clubs and Supporters Direct.

The option of adding a Disabled Supporters Rep to the group and Barry Carter was proposed by CUSAT. Other ideas related to disability were tabled such as in-ground audio commentary for blind supporters, which is currently being investigated by a couple of members of the group along with providing half time refreshments to disabled supporters in their seats which looks like it could get underway very quickly.

The idea of asking supporters to add flags to the Waterworks End of the ground on match days to build atmosphere was also raised and this will be going forward as soon as possible.

The state of the ground and particularly the toilets were raised and we will be looking into any remedial works that can be carried out to upgrade these facilities for supporters – any offers of assistance from supporters with skills in painting, decorating, plastering etc. would be greatly appreciated – see below for contact details.

Deliberations were also had regarding the upgrade of the bars, particularly the Sunset Suite and the possibility of making this into a ‘Supporters Bar’ with memorabilia on the walls supplied by supporters – this is an on-going idea that has been discussed with CUOSC and the club as a well as being raised at the road shows. Further ideas such as supporter collages/murals were put forward with a view to making the ground more appealing to the eye as well as making supporters feel a greater sense of belonging. The possibility of producing supporter memories of previous games to go into the programme and asking supporters for their ideas regarding re-naming the Sunset Suite to something more akin to the football club were also discussed.

Social Events

The group is looking at a range of different social events to cover smaller supporter-based, regular events such as quiz nights and pre and post-match events with ex-players attending as well as larger fundraising events such as a Sporting Dinner to be held at the Shepherds Inn with a view to raising funds to go to specific projects at Brunton Park.


CUOSC has been sourcing volunteers to act as ‘Meeters and Greeters’ on match days. For the home game against Morecambe, Claire Winder and Mike Denovellis volunteered, however, we do need more people to come forward for both the Match Day ‘Meeters and Greeters’ and for general remedial works around the ground – anyone interested in coming forward please contact CUOSC via the following:

+ Tel: 07999 73 73 90

It is vital that we keep the momentum going on the CUSG initiative and as such we have sent out this initial communication today. The actual minutes of the meeting will be available once agreed at the next meeting, which is due to take place provisionally at 6.30pm on Wednesday 18 November 2015.

If you have any ideas which you would like to put forward regarding social events, ground works etc then please email both and
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