NCS: An update from the NCS scheme

An update from the NCS programme

Carlisle United have had over 60 young people participate in NCS during the 2014/15 season. It has been a roller coaster ride for all those involved and we at the club are proud of each and every participant we have had the pleasure of meeting on the programme.

NCS coordinator John Sander said: "Everyone that has taken part has made new friendships that will go on long after their time on NCS. They have all had many new experiences and made amazing memories to take away with them.

"We all enjoy the residential as it allows the group to get to know each other before they come back into the local community and hopefully make a difference."

Most recently the Easter group went on their residential to the Lockerbie Manor activity centre. Here the students improved their team work and communication skills.

Ashleigh Crooks, an NCS participant, said: "The NCS has been a fantastic experience. I've taken part in activities I never thought I would be able to do. I overcame my fear of heights and I feel I achieved my potential.”

The young people took part in abseiling, climbing, kayaking, high ropes, low ropes, zip wire and fencing. These activities tested the students, taking them out of their comfort zones and towards the real frontier of learning.

On returning, the students developed their personal and professional skills when working alongside the fire brigade, local charities and financial institutions to build on more defined skills for their future and their social action project.

The community activity chosen was a redevelopment of the “Jigsaw” entrance at Eden Valley Hospice.

The group raised over £1,000 by completing a sponsored walk around Talkin' Tarn to enable them to build two planters, and plant a range of flowers and shrubs, as well as paint a colourful mural to enhance the entrance. 

This has made this important facility appear much more vibrant and welcoming to the youngsters coming in.
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