INTERVIEW: We know we've got a good squad

Striker Charlie Wyke on his first goal of the season

Striker Charlie Wyke spoke to us about his first goal of the season following a good first week of the campaign for himself and the club.

Talking first about the Cambridge game, he said: “Games like that are hard to play in. I was thinking the worst when we went two down but there’s a good attitude in this dressing room. We didn’t let heads drop and we kept going to get back.

“Having said that, it isn’t nice to go behind again and again when you think you’ve done the hard work. However, it’s a league where anything can happen and anybody can beat anybody on their day. It does show the character we have to come out of it with a point.”

“Going behind just before half time was unbelievable,” he agreed. “With two minutes to go to the break you think we’re going to get the ball in the corner and see the half out. 

“It didn’t happen like that because we had a daft mistake from Joycey, which can happen to anyone. We knew we could still turn it round and that’s what we did. We obviously want to win every game but I think you have to be pleased when you come away with something after being two down. Cambridge will be up there come the end of the season so we have to take the positives out of it.”

On his first goal of the campaign, he said: “Getting off the mark so early in the season is good. I just want to progress from here and see how many I can get. I really wanted to get off to a good start and I’ve done that now. 

“I can’t remember much about the goal itself. Mike Raynes won it and it was spinning up in the air. I took it down on my left foot, which is unusual, because I only ever use that for standing on. 

“Thankfully I managed to smash it in the bottom corner. I could see it go in through the lad’s legs and it’s a relief to get that first goal out of the way.”

Speaking about the new style of football which has brought much more in the way of attacking intent in the first three games, he said: “I think it’s going to take a bit of time to get to where we want to be. 

“These are exciting times for us because of the way the gaffer wants us to play. It’s been a tough week, with three hard games, but we’ve been entertaining and we’ve got some points out of it. There’s good competition for places as well. We all want to play, nobody wants to sit on the bench, and that can only make us all better players.

“I just want to play as many games and score as many goals as I can, and doing it alongside Jabo is going to make it a good season. He’s on fire and it seems that everything he touches is going in. It’ll be good if he can keep that up.

“He’s big and strong and he brings other people into play. He’s got loads of experience and he’s a good lad to have around, so it can only bring positives for me to play beside him.”

And on the long Tuesday trip to Plymouth, he said: “It’s just a short journey for us isn’t it! It’ll be a long two days but hopefully we’ll come back from it with three points. We’ve travelled to a lot of places so I don’t think it’s a problem mentally. It’s about getting the journey out of your legs.

“They’re a strong team but we go there feeling positive. The gaffer has talked about the fact that we would go three games last season and then something would happen and we’d get beat.
“Hopefully we can change that by going to Plymouth and getting at least a point. There’s a great vibe in the changing rooms at the moment, because we know we’ve got a good squad, so I don’t see why we can’t do that.” 

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Read Time: 4 mins