INTERVIEW: Do my best for the team

Watford defender Reece Brown on his one month loan deal

Watford defender Reece Brown spoke to us about his one-month loan deal shortly after putting pen to paper on Tuesday morning.

“It’s another challenge for me and one I’m looking forward to,” he said. “I haven’t been getting much game time this year so this wasn’t a chance I was going to turn down. All I want is to play as many games as I can between now and the end of the season.”

“I found out that Carlisle were interested on Monday,” he told us. “It all happened quite quickly but, like I say, there were no second thoughts at all. I’m a Watford player, and I like it there, but there are a lot of experienced defenders in the squad down there at the moment and I just want to be playing.

“I’m still young compared to some of the other defenders and you’ve got players who’ve been at Roma, and who come from Sweden. There are a few internationals in there as well. It’s been great for me to watch and learn from them. It was the same at Manchester United, with the experienced players there, but it’s about getting game time for me as well now.”

“When I was at United I was playing reserve football from the age of 16 and 17 and I left there at the age of 21,” he explained. “I was still in the reserves, or going out on loan, but it got to a point where I felt it was probably best for me to move on so that I could get my career moving on.

“I think the fact I’ve had loan spells before helps with a move like this. It is a bit nervy the first time you go on loan to another club because you’re never sure about what will happen. I’ve settled in nicely already here and the lads have been great with me. 

“I was actually quite lucky to make it for the training session [Tuesday morning] because I thought I had to go into Watford to sign the papers. We got all that sorted and luckily I was here to join in and meet everyone. My first impressions of the club have been good. The pitch looks decent and the training pitch is good. There are definitely no complaints from me.”

And on what we can expect to see, he said: “I think I’m good on the ball, I’m quick and I like to tackle and get in there to win the headers. I always try my best for the team and to show everyone what I can do.

“My preferred position is at centre back. I played a few games for Oldham as a holding midfielder and I’ve also played at right back. I don’t mind where I go, to be honest, as long as I’m playing. As I say, it’s about getting as much game time as I can. 

“I’ve only played three games for Watford and they were right at the start of the season. We don’t have a reserve team so I’ve only had a few U21 squad cup games, and things like that, but my fitness levels are fine. When training finishes I always go over and train with the youth team, so I’m well on top of it.”

“The good thing is that we have a game right away against Sheffield United,” he concluded. “It’s a bit of a weird one because when I went on loan to Oldham that was the first place I played as well. It was a game we won so hopefully it will be the same in this one.”

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Read Time: 4 mins