INTERVIEW: The team comes first

Prince Buaben on life at Brunton Park

Midfielder Prince Buaben spoke to us ahead of the Monday morning training session to give us his thoughts on the weekend home defeat and on his time at Brunton Park so far.

"I thought we deserved at least a draw out of the Colchester game," he said. "If you look at the score line you'd think they were the much better team but we had more chances than they did. 

“It's disappointing because we created a lot of chances but we came away with nothing.” 

"It's a horrible feeling to concede four goals, especially at home,” he admitted. “These things happen in football and we can't dwell on it. We have to forget about it and move on to the next game and I know the results will definitely change soon. 

"We have to believe in ourselves. It will just take one win then I think we’ll go on a run. We just need a little bit of luck to get us the first three points then we can build on it.”

The former-Ajax youth prospect teamed up with United at the end of October last year and has made 16 appearances in a blue shirt so far. His performances have earned him a regular starting berth but he confirmed that he feels he still has more to show the United faithful.

"I've spoken to Kav recently about my form and he told me that my performance level has dropped from where it was,” he said. “I agree with him and I know I need to refocus and keep working hard every day. 

“I do feel like I've got more to prove. I try my best every day in training to make sure I keep improving and hopefully I can do that for the manager, the team and the fans.” 

"I've settled in well and we've got a really good bunch of lads in the dressing room,” he added. “I think I said when I got here, I spoke to Danny Grainger before I signed and he told me it was a real family club. He’s been right about that.”

On the football side of things, he said: “I'm very happy here. We've got a lot of good midfielders so it gives you that added competition. If you don't perform in training you know there is someone waiting to take your place.

"I do like scoring goals. I've only scored one so far so hopefully I can get a few more. That's another thing that Kav has spoken to me about and it’s an area he has asked me to improve on. 

“I don't like to set myself any targets. I always just try and do my best and hopefully the goals will come with that. My first priority is working hard for the team so goals are just a bonus.” 

"The fans have been great with me,” he agreed. “Even though we lost on Saturday most of them stayed to clap us off the pitch. As long as we keep working hard the fans will love us, we know that, and hopefully we can start getting some decent results for them.” 

Away from football matters Prince used his Twitter account @pbuaben to reveal, earlier this week, that he has an exciting new venture in the pipeline. 

“I’m hopefully going to be launching a new clothing range,” he explained. “It’s something I’ve been thinking about since last year. It will be called the ‘Christian’ clothing line because my son and my dad have that name and it also relates to my faith.

“I spoke to my agent to see what we could do and it all seems to be falling into place. We’re hoping it will cover a range of all types of clothing, from sports wear to casual clothes. It should be ready to launch in the next few months so it’s very exciting.”

“However, my football is the most important thing to me so all of that is off to one side,” he confirmed. “I came up with the idea and I am now leaving it to other people, like my agent and my family, to make sure it all happens. Football has always been the most important thing to me and that won’t change for any reason.”

As for the future, he said: “I’ll start to think about what happens to me when we get back up the table. Once we know the team is in a good position I will be able to start to think about that. The team has to come first.”
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