INTERVIEW: Always wanted to stay

Matt Robson on his contract

Winger Matt Robson spoke to us on Thursday afternoon shortly after agreeing his two-year contract extension. 

"I've thought about it for a couple of weeks now so it is nice to have it all sorted," he admitted. "I've spoken to the gaffer on a few occasions and his enthusiasm about next season is a massive part of why I've signed. 

"When you sit down and speak to him you can see how passionate he is about the club and that's exactly how I feel. I wear my heart on my sleeve when I go out onto the pitch and I'm really looking forward to next season now."

"Greg came over to see me and my family, and I think that shows how much effort he puts in," he revealed. "You don't get many managers coming to your house and things like that do make a difference.

"I always wanted to stay but it was just about getting the best deal for me and my family."

"My personal aim for next season is to build on the progress I've made this time round in terms of appearances and goals," he said. "In my four years here we've improved each year, so last season was disappointing. 

"It was the first blip we've had during my time here and we all want to get back up to the right end of the table.”

As to whether there were any other options on the table, he told us: "There was interest from other clubs but geography played a big part in my decision. There was nothing concrete but, even if there was, it would have had to have to been something special to make me leave here. 

“I think when you're happy at a club it makes a big difference to your performance and I didn’t think that coming here would be anywhere near as good as it has been for me.” 

"Until last season we had enjoyed a good couple of years,” he told us. “We got to Wembley twice and improved our league position each season. 

"Even though last season was disappointing for the team it was probably my best on a personal level. It would be brilliant to be able to repeat that, but with the team in the top half of the table this time.”

Recent appearances at left back have, of course, caused a bit of debate about where the nippy wide man is best utilised.

"I don't really mind where I play as long as I am playing,” he said. "Chris [Chantler] and I built up a good understanding before we got injured last season. Hopefully we can both stay fit this season and get that sort of partnership going again. 

"I think with me having experience as a left back I understand his role more than I did before. That meant we were able to bounce off each other and I think we worked really well together.”

And definitely not to be forgotten are the string of awards picked up at the end of season function just over a month ago.

"To get so many awards was brilliant,” he said. “It means a lot for me that the fans played a part in me getting those awards as well. 

"I seem to have learned how to be in the right place at the right time this season with the goals I've scored. I think that does come with playing as many games as I have now. Hopefully I can keep getting better at that.” 

Looking ahead to August, he added: "We've got a good blend of young and experienced players here now and I'm sure the gaffer will bring in a few more. 

"To be classed as one of the older players, even though I'm still in my twenties, is something I'm really looking forward to! If I can lend a hand to the young lads coming through then I'll be more than happy to do it.

"I'm just looking forward to getting on with next season now."

United Player subscribers can see a video interview with Matt Robson later today. Click HERE to go to the Player platform. Follow the same link for more information on United Player, and to subscribe.
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