JUST PLAY: FA Mars programme ends

This week marks the end of the FA Mars Just Play Centre programme

The ‘turn up and play’ weekly football sessions in Workington, Carlisle and Penrith draw to a close last week as the group now takes an end-of-season summer break from the CUFC Ability Counts League.

The programme has been running for two years and has seen over 40 disabled adults across Cumberland access weekly disability specific football sessions. 

The majority of our CUFC Ability Counts teams access these Just Play Centres to train and play together weekly.

Disability Football Development Officer Jess Lawson said: "We have had a fantastic season hosting three FA Mars Just Play Centres here in Cumberland, with good attendance weekly.  

"We've also seen an increase in our volunteer network across the centres, with local qualified coaches getting involved in our work.

"We are already looking forward to re-opening our three Centres in Workington, Penrith and Carlisle in September with sessions running for 32 weeks."

If you would like any further information regarding our Just Play programme, the Ability Counts League or disability football in general, then please contact Disability Football Development Officer, Jess Lawson on 07807 665543 or e-mail Jessica.Lawson@CumberlandFA.com

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