INTERVIEW: In full-flow now

Josh Todd on pre-season double sessions

Last season brought a first senior appearance for midfielder Josh Todd but it was a frustrating time for a young player who is itching to make his mark.

Fresh from signing a new one-year deal with the club he has returned for pre-season training in determined mood.

“I didn’t make a big impact last season but the gaffer must have seen something in me to give me another chance this time round,” he said. “Hopefully I’ll prove him right because last season wasn’t the best for me at all. 

“The fact that I’ve been given another contract must mean that the coaching staff have a bit of confidence in me. I just want to press on and get a few appearances under my belt now to show everybody that I’m worth the chance I’ve been given.” 

“I do feel like I have a little bit to prove,” he admitted. “When I was in the youth team I was playing every week and I got used to that. It isn’t nice to miss out, so it has to be my aim to play more.

“We have the games coming up at the weekend and it will be good to play football again. I’m not sure if I’ll play at Penrith or Kendal but, whichever it is, it’ll be my first one for about three months. 

“It’s a chance for me to show the gaffer what I can do. He knows I’m working hard in training but I think it’s more important for me to get it right when we are out there 11v11.”

As far as pre-season goes, he said: “I’m enjoying it at the moment. I’m feeling fit and hopefully I’m looking fit as well.

“It was a gradual start for us last week but we’re in full-flow and doing the hard runs now. I did a lot of work at home through the summer so it hasn’t come as too much of a shock. 

“If I’m being honest I’d rather be playing football, but this is all necessary to make sure we’re ready for the season.”

“I think the first few days of double sessions are the hardest but all of the lads help each other along to make sure we get through it,” he told us. “That does make it easier. 
“We’re all obviously still getting to know each other properly because there have been a few changes. The new lads are opening up more as the week goes on and everyone is really getting on well together. 

“There’s a good feeling about the place. The fact that we’re all working so hard means that we have to bond anyway or I don’t think we’d get through it.”

And if he needs any specific pointers there is always one place to turn to.

“I think I’d have to say that Paul Thirlwell has been my mentor over the last few seasons because we play the same position,” he explained. “He gives me tips if I do something wrong and he’s always encouraging me to try to be more accurate and precise with my game. It’s good to have that kind of thing because we all need advice every now and then.

“I’m just really looking forward to the season now. Hopefully there won’t be any setbacks and I’ll keep myself rolling along. 

“More games under my belt will do me just right.”

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Read Time: 3 mins