COMMUNITY: NCS information

All you need to know is here

In the early part of 2013 the FITC will be contacting secondary schools with a new initiative for year 12 students.

The programme which takes place during the spring, summer and autumn of 2013 will involve:

- Induction: Half-day sessions that give young people an opportunity to meet their team, find out more about the programme and what they will be doing

- Outdoor Adventure Residential:  Held at one of our National Outdoor Centres, Cumbria – a week of fun, team building activities that develop confidence, trust, teamwork, empowerment and leadership skills 

- Community Skills Residential: Held at a location close to the young persons home  – a week designed to identify the your strengths and shared interests, develop new skills and to link up with their local community 

- Community Project Planning Week: The team designs a social action project to address an issue affecting their local community 

- Community Project Delivery: Young people spend 30 hours spread over three to four weeks completing their social action project in the local community

- These include volunteering, fundraising etc

- Celebration: A celebration/graduation event at the end of the programme to which parents and friends will be invited – held at the football club– one day.

This is a phased programme which will start at Easter 2013. 

The programme costs £50 for the duration. This covers a refundable deposit of £20 and NCS merchandise that the team member will receive at our residential. 

Our inclusion policy states that all young people will be able to take part in NCS, regardless of their circumstances. Should cost be prohibited we will look into this on a case-by-case basis, please contact us.
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