CLUB: Privilege and responsibility

Managing director appointed to FA Board

Carlisle United Football Club are delighted to confirm that managing director John Nixon has been elected as a Football League representative to the English Football Association (FA) Board – a position which also includes a place on the FA Council and the Professional Game Board.

Mr Nixon, a member of the Football League Board since August 2012 and chairman of the Football League Trust, was confirmed as an official Football League nomination at a meeting early last month. 

He subsequently attended his first series of FA and Professional Game Board meetings at St George’s Park over the weekend of 11 to 13 July.

“There is a great sense of privilege and responsibility that comes with being involved at that level,” Mr Nixon admitted. “The main consideration for me was that I would be representing Carlisle United, and other member clubs of the Football League, during decision making processes which affect us all. 

“In terms of FA Board meetings, we have twelve scheduled for each calendar year and they will run alongside four FA Council meetings and six Professional Game Board meetings. That, of course, is in addition to the Football League and Football League Trust meetings I currently attend.”

“The issues covered are wide ranging and diverse,” he said. “Everything from grass roots football to discussions on coaching strategies at the highest levels are on the agenda and there is a real sense of purpose from what I have seen so far.

“The key, though, is that we are very well represented and respected as a club and to have a voice at FA and Football League level can only ever be a good thing.”

We’ll have more from managing director John Nixon over the coming days where he talks about his FA and Football League responsibilities and about what has been an extremely busy and interesting period for Carlisle United Football Club.
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