On Monday afternoon, Tom Piatak spoke on upcoming plans regarding the football department.


Speaking to CUTV, he said: “We're actually going to look at a restructuring. Where we're taking this club, where we want to take this club, it's necessary. 


“The key change will be that we're going to be bringing in a sporting director and we'll bring in a head coach. We're going to bring in both.


“We're actively in the process right now, starting that process. Patty and I were supposed to be back in Jacksonville, Florida today, but obviously with the weekend's events, that's changed and we're here and we want to see this through.


“We can work on both of them simultaneously, but we will be selecting the sporting director first and then we'll be selecting a head coach and we want to make sure that we explain to any potential applicants, anybody that we're looking at, that this is what we've recruited for. 


“We have the talent, this is our style of play and as you come in, if this doesn't fit with the way you like to play, then don't apply. We know where we're going, we know how we want to play and we just need to find the right team now to help us get there.”


The position of sporting director will be a first for the club, speaking on this in further detail, Tom said: “The club's been under-resourced in the past and we now have resources. I think there can be too much on just a manager, so we want to separate those two.


“We want them to work very closely together but we want the head coach to be focused purely on the pitch, the next performance, what's required, the player selections, the tactics, and we want the sporting director to have the longer-term vision, the budget, what's needed to improve the team, the recruiting, overseeing the academy - much broader.


“I think separating those two roles is going to strategically help us win day-to-day but then also allow us to win longer-term because we're going to have a consistent vision, strategy, and execution.


“The timeline started today and we're looking at all applicants for both positions. We have extended our stay. We don't have a date that we're going back yet.


“We're going to be here as long as it's necessary. We may go back while we're doing some of the shortlisting and everything and then have to come back to do the final interviews and all that but we're going to take that day-by-day. Right now we've extended for at least a week and if that needs to happen, extend for another week or two, we're prepared to do that.


“Everybody knows getting the right manager that fits within the culture, with the vision, with what we're trying to do is absolutely critical. You bring the wrong person in, it's painful for everybody. It's painful for management, painful for supporters, painful for the players as well.


“Getting this right is a huge task and we're going to make sure we do it in a thoughtful, calculated, deliberate manner. It's not going to be one person doing it. We're going to assemble a team that's going to look at this.


“We’ll get the viewpoints from different aspects of the organisation looking at this to make sure we get the right person but we will not rush through this. This will be something that we're going to make sure we get right collectively. We're going to get it right and it's going to move us forward.”


When asked what they’d be looking for in potential candidates for both positions, he said: “I think everybody has their own idea of what might be right and sometimes that collective vision, it's a little bit of each aspect that comes together.


“We know the style we want to play. We want to be aggressive. We want to be front-foot forward. We want to dominate. We want to be attacking.


“We don't want to wait for things to come to us and then react. We want someone that understands the style of play that we are recruiting for, and has done that in the past.


“It's not a new initiative for them, let's say. They have some proven ability there but we want somebody that's also energetic and innovative. This is nothing against Paul or the previous coaches.


“I'm just trying to say some of the attributes that we're looking for. Energetic, innovative, flexible, adaptive, can react quickly to what's going on, on the pitch and get the squad to react quickly as well. 


“We have ideas. We have characteristics. We've put that together and the group is starting to look at that. Like I said, the applicants are already flowing in fast and furious.


“We're identifying which ones we think have potential, putting them on the shortlist and then we're going to move forward from there.”


Mark Birch, Steven Rudd and Jamie Devitt will take charge of United temporarily as the search for a head coach begins. 


“The turnaround on this is very quick and the demands we've put on them, they're going to have to manage that in a very short time frame. 


“Thursday and Friday gives us time to prepare for the Bradford match and I expect the strategy, the tactics and everything to be there. 


“We don't have a time frame. It's not like we're going to have this name next week. It could happen, but I think it may take longer than that. The most important thing is this is a strategic decision and to get this decision right is the most important thing.


“It's the right thing for us to take the time to be resourceful, to be deliberate in the process and we intend to do that to make sure we get the right team in here that can carry us forward for at least the next five years.”


Finally, Tom had the following message for United’s faithful.


“The support that they've provided has been phenomenal.


“It's difficult on the entire organisation to make this kind of a change and we just would, you know, appreciate their patience, appreciate their support. 


“I hope they know we're doing everything possible to move this club forward. We all know where we want to go and their support is absolutely critical in getting there and so please be patient.


“Let us get through this process. I think you'll be pleased with the final results but we need your support. We need to start winning.”


The full interview is available to watch for free on CUTV, you just need to be logged in. Click HERE to watch. 

Read Time: 6 mins