In the second part of our interview with chief executive Nigel Clibbens, he spoke about the planned work at the Sheepmount and the ongoing development of Brunton Park.

“Of all the things that are happening in the football club, I think the Sheepmount development is the most important,” he said. “It will help shape the future of the club for the next 20 years. I have no doubt about it.

“It is fundamental to the future of this football club. The more you go around other clubs, the more you appreciate how far behind we are and the fact that we need to catch up and we need to catch up fast. We're trying to do that.

“We've got the deal on the top plateau at the Sheepmount agreed, which gives us a five-year opportunity to develop and agree something longer term. It's always going to be a stopgap. No one's going to invest the five, ten million pounds that will be required on a five-year basis, but it gets us a foot forward and a step forward on that process.

“We've talked about having some grass to play on for this season and we've started making that happen. We're probably two months later than we would have ideally liked, at worst, so it's now very, very tight.

“The weather's turning, it's getting colder, so that's going to impact on the ability for the grass to germinate and to grow for us to play on. But we've just got to deal with that. Yesterday, the diggers moved in and they started work on levelling the grassed area.

“There'll be sand going in, we’ll improve the top surface, and then seeds go in and we'll see where we go. Hopefully it'll germinate and we'll have some grass to play on and that will release some pressure on the training facilities here. But again, it's important that the fans see that this is real.

“There's lots of talk in football about developments. I was talking to another club last week and they said that someone's been talking about their training ground for ten years and they still don't believe it. We have to make these things real and that is part of the culture that the family's brought in.

“When we say things as a club, we then do it and deliver. It might take a bit of time, but we're really committed to doing it. So it's really important that we put some spades in the ground, put some diggers in the ground out there, so the short-term aim is to have two full-size pitches that we can utilise.

“Hopefully weather will be favourable to us and that will happen, so the work's going on now. So that's really positive and in parallel to that, now we're starting to look at what we call phase two.

“That's a longer-term arrangement of the Sheepmount for a proper full-scale development which will give us, in our vision, a full-size outside 4G pitch, floodlit, which we can use, which the academy can use, which hopefully we can have some community use on as well.

“An indoor 60x40 domed barn, again 4G, which will transform our academy and give us that extra capability in winter. It'll be a great facility for the community as well, something that Carlisle hasn't got, it's been crying out for and really needs. And then probably two full-size pitches and more area to play on.

“All that then needs a building to work from, so you need a building with changing rooms for all those people, eating facilities, gym, offices for football staff, so that's all being planned. We've got drawings for a building that we're now looking at, that's all going to have to go through planning, etc, etc. These are long-term projects, they're huge investments, millions and millions of pounds, and they will transform the football club.

“It's hard to put into words where the football club's going here. It might take us a while to get there, but we're on track to create something special.

“I'm so happy for the fans that after probably supporting us through, I use the phrase, thin and thinner, that they'll start to see some progress. It's not just about off the field, as I've said, on the field's what we're about, it's about winning, all about success, but you have to do things off the field to make that happen. So we're really excited about that.

“Things will develop and the Sheepmount is going to be really good for Carlisle United, and it'll be a great beacon for the city. And I'm sure it'll make the citizens and people of the city really proud to have it on our patch, and to be able to take part and use some of it. Because that's what we're about, we're about being an open and community club.

“So we hope that the people of the city will support that. At the moment, all of that's coming out of the family's resources, and that can't go on forever. So we need all the community and the fans to back the family as much as they're backing Carlisle, and I'm sure they will.

“We're all trying our best, and it's great to be part of it.”

In terms of when we hope to have the pitches ready, Nigel continued: “In simple terms, it'll probably take us a week or so to get the ground in a reasonable fashion for us to then sow the seeds.

“We sow the seeds, and then usually it's about 9 or 10 days to germinate, and then we're in the lap of the gods in terms of how quickly that might grow. As I say, we're now into October and the weather's turning, it's getting colder, and you need to have temperatures of about 9 degrees. Every morning I get up and look out the window, and I'm looking at the weather, whether it's raining or sunny, and keep my fingers crossed.

“We can't control that now. It is what it is. All we can do is get the ground in a condition that it'll grow if it grows, and then we'll see. That might be about six or seven weeks, and then you're getting into December time, so it's going to be really difficult. But we’ll do everything we can within our control to make that happen. So whatever happens, it's going to be great for the future, and fingers crossed, we're kicking some footballs on it very shortly.”

Nigel then discussed the new facilities at the ground, and the matchday experience of supporters, saying:

“I think one of the things that's been clear since the change of ownership is that we needed to improve the matchday experience. So, we've put a lot of work into making sure that we improve the stadium.

“Such as the big screen, which has transformed the fan zone, especially throughout the Euros. That's been a great development.

“And then, through the summer we've seen the developments around the ground in terms of the Warwick Road end in particular. Where the historic toilets have been replaced.

“And we've got a new fan zone in there. Then the next stage of that is going to be a new big screen in that fan zone. So, fans will be able to enjoy that area.

“I think the fans can see that the club's trying very hard to make improvements off the field to improve that experience. And shortly we'll be getting close to opening the east stand fully with all the developments there.”

On the big screen, and the fact it’s now being used to show our games, when possible, such as the Wimbledon match. Nigel said:

“I think the Wimbledon game will be the third game after Gillingham and Bradford. We’re hoping for some good weather then fans can come down and watch the team play away all together at Brunton Park.

“So, it's a nice little initiative that we're doing on that one. And we think that'll grow and grow.”

In terms of some covering for the Fan Zone, in the midst of the winter months, Nigel explained the plans for that:

“We're already starting to look at that. We've had someone come in to give us some advice on what we can do. Last season we had some temporary covering. It kind of worked, but we didn't have the big screen then. Now we've got the big screen, we need to put something in place that allows people to get cover, but at the same time still take advantage of seeing the screen. So, that's going to be a big project.”

Speaking on the East Stand, which is due to open up fully for the first time for the game against Harrogate, Nigel said:

“We've been doing a phased opening. So, the boxes in the East Stand have been operational all season.

“But for the first time, we'll be opening the second floor, which has four new hospitality lounges. We'll double the hospitality in the stadium. We're probably adding another 120 to 150 places every match day.

“The facilities are absolutely fantastic. When fans see them, they will really, really be impressed, I'm sure. It's a great opportunity for us to get that moving.

“It's over 20 years since the stand was built. And nothing's really happened inside for such a long time. So, to see it reach its potential is tremendous.

“A lot of investment's gone in. And we're hoping that the fans will come and enjoy that. And it'll be great for the future of the club. Not just for one year, two years, but for many, many years to come.”

On his own excitement for such a big day, Nigel said:

“It's the culmination of lots and lots of hard work by everybody. So much has been achieved in such a short time. To see it come together is brilliant.

“When you see it from day to day and you're walking around, sometimes you lose a little bit of perspective about what has actually been achieved. But if you look around the ground, so much has changed in such a short time. We're all really proud of it.

“And it's a really exciting place to be. It's what we all want for the football club. I think the fans deserve it.

“I think it'll make the club better for many, many years to come. And we wouldn't have achieved this without the change of ownership. It's great that things have changed, and that the family have really delivered on what they promised and what they said to us when we first started talking back in April or May last year.”

Read Time: 9 mins